Chapter 17- He's Back

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Annabeths POV:

Having Jason, pipper, hazel, frank, and Leo leave sucks but we knew it was going to happen eventually. Word from camp Jupiter has not been good for a little while now. Me being Greek and all I don't know everything but rumor has it that the barrier has been wavering since the end of the war and of course Octavian has been making a mess and Reyna can't do it all alone.

So that is the reason why we are scrambling right now to get them all packed because us (them) being the irresponsible teenagers we are haven't a packed. And the reason I say us is because we are the ones mostly packing for them, we'll the guys. Apparently guys have difficulty packing so us lady's took charge. How did they ever survive without us, only the gods know.

After 3 long hours and many immature jokes about pippers luggage they were set to go. The gods said that they will arrange a ride because having Jason fly everyone there would be too much of a hassle so here we are waiting on the roof top garden of our secret top floor apartment.

"So any clue what kind of chariot awaits us." Leo asked when there was a really long awkward silence.

Just then a blinding light appeared in front of us. When is died down there was a black Lamborghini with a man in the drivers seat.

"Well if you really want a chariot..." He snapped his fingers and the car changed into a blazing chariot.

"Lord Apollo." I say bowing the others take my lead while Leo said there and muttered "he's back."

"Oh none of that, none of that we are all cool

Here! And I see that Thalia is here too how are you dear." He said with a wink.

Another blinding flash happened and now a girl appeared. Thalia bowed and said lady Artemis. Artemis looked at Apollo with a scowl plastered on to her face.

"How many times over the thousands of years do I have to tell you! Say away from my hunters!" With that she disappeared.

"Oh she is no fun! But come along now let's hit the road. Leo your stop is first, the Argo is docked at camp half blood but we won't be going in we are in a rush! Then it's your Jason pipper frank and hazel. So come on then!"

They loaded all their stuff on to the chariot then gave us all hugs. We wished them luck and for Leo especially to be safe. As a gift we gave them drachmas so they can IM us and Percy just for the heck of it gave frank a platypus.

"So Percy annabeth care to come for the ride it will be fun! Come on Nico I know you want to!!"

I looked a Nico. The poor boy if possible looked paler then he did before.

"No no no, not me, not again. I would like to live a little longer thank you very much."

"Your loss catch you guys later." Apollo said with an over dramatic sigh. "And I had the perfect traveling poem to share with all of you well I guess you will have to hear it some other time. So long."

Everyone in the chariot waved and there was a chorus of good byes. Apollo waited one more second then snapped his fingers. The chariot zoomed out of sight taking course for its next destination.

Well I guess this is just another good bye for now.


IM SO SORRY FOR THE DELAY!! I know it's summer and this should have came sooner but I have an exchange student here so I had no time! This is a short chapter I did on my phone but I hope you like it! Vote and comment what you think!! Thanks!!

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