Chapter 7- Infinite

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Annabeth's POV:

Since Leo just had to interrupt us we decided to go to the dinning room. When we got there everyone was sitting at the table talking.

"I really think the Aphrodite cabin should participate more in capture the flag. We need to fight too you know."

"No way beauty queen. I don't want to get hit in the head with flying lip gloss while running in the woods."

"I side with piper, those girls got to fit maybe some of them would even want to join the hunters."

"Kids of the goddess of love making an oath never to love guys. I want to see that work out."

"Guys look who decided to show up!" Leo screamed over the others debate.

All eyes turned to us. We just silently sat down. This was starting to get really awkward. I don't know if I should break the silence or not but it turns out Percy beat me to it

"Sooo why don't we eat. We have a big day tomorrow!" he tried being enthusiastic but we all just grumbled Okays.

We got our plates. Each of us had a different us reflecting our godly parent. Naturally mine was gray with owls and books covering it. I sat down in between Thalia and Percy. I set my plate down and thought about what I would like. Hmmmm wow this is hard there's so many options. I looked around to see if anyone else was struggling. Seems I was the only one. Percy had blue pasta. Leo had a taco. Hazel had gumbo. Frank had some chicken nuggets and fries. Thalia had some soup. Piper had a veggie burger. And Jason had some Chinese food. I just decided to stick to my favorite pizza with olives. Why not lets get crazy I want extra olives. I showed up on my plate and we all dug in.

The pizza was great. Just the way I like it. The only issue was that barely anyone spoke the whole time. Obviously Leo said some stupid jokes and Jason or hazel would occasionally try to bring up a conversation but we were all too nervous about school starting tomorrow. I know right an Athena girl scarred to go to school but hey I didn't train for this!

Once we were done we all disappeared into our rooms. It was getting late so most of us decided to go to bed. Percy walked me to my room like he always did at camp.

"Well this is where I leave you wise girl."

"Percy, your next door."

"Touché, goodnight, if anything's wrong ill be there in a heart beat." He leaned close to my face and gave me a sweet short goodnight kiss and left.

I walked into my room and got my pajamas on. Tomorrows my first day, so I should get some sleep, but who knows with demigod nightmares. Especially MY demigod nightmares. I laid down my head and was surprised by how tired I was. I guess I hadn't realized. I almost instantly fell asleep.


We were back in Tartarus. We were facing Arachne again. We both had our swords out ready to fight.

"Come on Annabeth you know you cant beat me. You nothing but a dumb blond. Are you even a child of Athena? You don't deserve Percy Jackson. You are nothing. He can do better then you. Why would he date such an annoying dumb blond that isn't even pretty."?

She continued to taunt me until I almost broke.

"Ok this is just getting annoying. If I give you her will you leave me alone? I was just using her as an extra set of hands I can get out of here I really don't need her just take her and ill go."

"Good choice Percy Jackson."

Percy walked away leaving me with Arachne. I knew I couldn't do it alone. Thousands of spiders came from behind her and covered me. The suffocated me and were bringing me to Arachne. And he didn't care."

~End of dream~

Percy's POV:

I heard her scream and jumped out of my bed. I rushed into her room so see her sobbing on her bed."

"Annabeth?" she looked up with alarm in her eyes. She scrambled to her feet. I started rushing to her but she just backed away.

"GET AWAY FROM ME." She backed away until she was against the wall. She was still balling her eyes out. Seeing her like this hurt me but knowing she thinks I caused this hurt's more. I approached her slowly. When I got to her I reached out to grab her face but she just swatted me away and sunk to the floor. I bent down and got a hold of her flailing wrists trying to keep me away.

"Annabeth please listen to me. It was a nightmare. Only a nightmare. I would never hurt you. Please just see that you're okay. You're okay. I'm here now.


"I'm here." She looked up at me with those beautiful gray eyes of her's but instead of being strong, they were broken. She flung herself onto me crying into my shoulder. I lifted her up and brought her to the bed. I sat her on my lap and we stayed like that until she stopped.

"Would you like to tell me what happened?" she just nodded weakly and proceeded to tell me what happened.

I was horrified. I never want that to happen. I would never let that happen.

"Annabeth listen to me right now. I will never leave you I will protect you until the end or I will die trying. I love you and will never leave you. I will always be your seaweed brain and you will be my wise girl as long as I have something to do with it."

"I love you to Percy and can you stay with me?"

"Always." We crawled into her bed and I wrapped my arms around her. She snuggled in and closed her eyes. This is how I always want this to be her and me. Together. Because we are meant to be. Even Aphrodite can't split us up.

We are infinite.

A/N thank you so much for readin guys! next chapter is their first day and i will most likely update during the week. please vote and leave comments on what you think!


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