Chapter 16- The platypus is leaving

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A/N- sorry in advance if this is a crappy chapter, my computer was down so this one is from my phone. Also sorry for the delay!!

Percy's POV:

We got back to the apartment and sat down in the living room. Everyone took a seat except Hazel, Jason, and Frank.

"Ok um guys... We have an announcement to make." Said hazel getting all of our attention. She then motioned for Jason to go on. I had a hunch I knew what this was about, I just didn't want it to be true.

"Hold on a sec before you announce this but I have an announcement too but it can wait until after yours." Leo butted in standing up. After he finished talking he sat back down.

Now Jason continued. "Well as I was about to say... Hazel, frank, and I got an Iris message from Reyna a couple of days ago. There has been trouble at camp Jupiter and we need to return. we leave to tonight."

We just sat there in awe. We all thought that we would all live happy ever after here in Goode. This was just a reminder that us demigods will never be able to have a happy ever after sure we can have good times but how good can they get. Always a constant battle.

"As long as you guys said yours I must say mine. I'm leaving too. And no it's not because a camp needs me it's because my sunshine does. Being at school and seeing all these couples reminded me of my promise. I will find calypso and I will save her. Leo flaming Valdez is coming to the rescue!"

Leo sounded happy but looked so grave. Sure Leo is always joking around but we know how much he cares about calypso he just can't get her.

"Jason, I'm coming with you." Piper said suddenly. All eyes turned to her. That will be one interesting show, piper and Reyna. I want to see how that one plays out.

"Pipes are you sure? You don't have to you can stay and finish school." Jason said unsure.

"Of course I'm sure! I want to be with you and hazel and frank will be there. And since when did I care about school?" She said walking over to him and taking his hand. "But I think I need to pack my bag so come on! You too Leo your not leaving until we have a loooong chat about this." With that she walked out followed by the two boys.

I walked over to hazel and frank and have them a big hug. The two of them have a special place in my heart that no one can replace. As long as they are together I know they will be fine.

"Good luck out there and please, try to save some teddy bears from Octavian for me... At least the sea animals Oh! and the pandas... Pandas are adorable."

"I know what your next birthday present is." Snickered Nico.

"Yes and it would be much appreciated." I answered. "They are so cute!!"

"Really are they as cute as this?" Frank said. Ten suddenly he changed into a small hedgehog. And trust me those are adorable. After a few seconds he changed again into a small golden lab puppy. Then it was a chinchilla. Next it was a baby panda. At that I awww'ed. How could I not? Then he changed into a platypus. Wait... What?

Frank finally changed back to frank.

"What's with the platypus?" Thalia asked.

"We'll you know they are semi aquatic and stuff. We'll anyway I have to pack see ya." With out saying anything else he and hazel walked out like nothing happened.

Percabeth at GoodeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon