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Kirishima's POV

I hear sirens outside. He's here. Bakugo found me. I smile to myself. I'm going to get out of here.

Bakugo's POV

I open the last door. I look inside. The lights are off. I feel along the wall until I feel a switch. I flip it. Light fills the room. It's completely empty.

That's when I see him.

He's curled up in a little ball in the right corner of the room, lying in a puddle of his own blood. He has a bloody white blindfold over his eyes, and a piece of duck tape over his mouth. His hands are tied behind his back.

I rush over to the boy I love and untie the blind fold. He looks at me. I look at his pretty eyes, and almost cry. A large cut goes down his right eye, so he can't open it. His left eye is full of pain, fear, and tears. I gently take the duck tape off his mouth. As I'm doing this. I notice the cut on his cheek, and the burns on his neck. I look at his face. He's smiling. I can't hep but smile too.

"I missed you", He said weakly.

He leans forward until he's resting on my chest. I wrap my arms around him. I hold him tightly. After a few seconds. I push him up. He looks up at me.

"Hold on Kiri", I say, "I'm going to get the duck tape off your arms", I tell him

He nods. I pull out my switch blade and flinches. I slowly go behind him, and cut the duck tape. I start to peal it off when he yelps. I look closer and I notice his wrist were burned. I apologies. He said its fine, and how he just wants it off as soon as possible.

"Umm...I'm sorry Kiri...But I'm going to have to rip this off like a band aid...which is probably going to hurt a lot", I tell him.

"It's fine. I just want it off", he says quietly.

"Ok...I'm going to count to three", I tell him.

I count to three and rip the duck tape off of his burnt arm. He crys out in pain.  I wrap my arms around him. I apologies 500 time. He tells me its fine. I go in front of him. That's when I can finally get a good look at him. He has what looks to be two stab wounds. one in his leg, and one in his chest. He also seems to have a bullet wound in his shoulder.

"Bakugo!", I here Ryan call, "Where did you go?"

"Bakugo, who is that?", Kirishima asks nervously.

"That's a police officer, don't worry", I tell him.

"I'm over here! I found Kirishima!", I call back to him.

I turn back to Kirishima. He looks really pale. He starts wobbling . I grab his uninjured shoulder to try and steady him. He looks up at me. His poor eye. It's bleeding so much it looks like he's crying blood.

"Bakugo...I feel really dizzy", He says weakly.

Just then Ryan and Brendon run into the room. They look down at us. they both look shocked. Brendon walks over to us and crouches down next to us.

"Hi Kirishima, my names Brendon. We're going to get you some medical attention OK? You're safe now alright?", He says kindly. Kirishima weakly nods and smiles in response. 

"Ryan", Brendon calls,"Go get the EMT's"

Ryan nods and runs out of the room. Kirishima leans forward until he's resting on me again. His head resting on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around him again, hugging him tight. That's when I notice Kirishima is breathing funny. It looks like he's having trouble exhaling.

"Uh... Brendon?"

he hums in response.

"He's not breathing right", I tell him. he raises an eyebrow.

"Kirishima?", I say quietly. No response.

"Kirishima", I say a little louder. Still nothing.

Brendon now looks concerned. He moves a little closer to us. Just then, Ryan comes back into the room followed by two male EMT's rolling a gurney in front of them. Thank God.

"What happened to him?", Ryan asks us.

"I have no fucking idea", I reply.

The two EMT's walk over to us.

"Hi, My name's Pete, and he's Patrick", He says gesturing to the other EMT.

"We're here to help your friend", he says kindly. I nod.

"Do you want me to pick him up?", I ask. I want to be as helpful as I can.

"Actually if you could do that, that would be great. Just place him on the gurney", He replies.

I nod. I push his shoulder so he's no longer leaning on me. He doesn't move his head or anything. I get him into a position so I can just stand up with him in my arms. I do just that, and carry him over to the gurney bridal style. I gently set him down. Pete and Patrick immediately start pushing the gurney out of the building. I run behind them. We quickly make it out of the building. I look to see the police caught 3 villains. Thank god. I follow them to the ambulance.

"Can I go with him?", I ask.

They both nod. I climb in with them. Please let him be OK.

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