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Bakugo's POV

It's been a day since I got the weird text messages. Everyone's worried about Kiri. He still hasn't shown. I shouldn't be surprised though. After the messages I got, I know he's been taken by someone.  I called all of his friends, they said they didn't know anything. I gave this information to Kiri's mom. She was so sad.

I open the door. My dad's cooking in the kitchen, and my mom's watching TV on the couch. I walk past them and go into my room. I close the door behind me. I sit a my desk and open my backpack. I pull out my homework. I sigh. All I want to do Is find Kirishima, but I have no idea where to start. That's when I hear my phone ringing.

I quickly pull it out of my pocket. Its an unknown number. I immediately pick it up.

"Who the fuck is this", I say angrily. I get no response.

I hear footsteps. Who ever is holding the phone is going somewhere. I hear a door open, and more walking. It suddenly stops. That's when I hear someone wince in pain.

"Hello?", I try again.

"Bakugo?", A quiet voice says. I recognize it instantly.

"Kirishima! Are you OK? Where are you? What hap-", I get cut off by him wincing again.

"What's going on?", I ask concerned.

"Bakugo ...I have no idea...whats happening", He manages to say in between winces.

I then hear him yell at someone to "stop". That's when I hear something truly awful. A blood curdling scream erupts from the phone.

"KIRISHIMA!", I yell at the phone.

"Sorry", I new voice says, "Kirishima is unable to talk right now, I'll call back later when he's feeling a bit better"

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM YOU BASTARD!", I yell, that's when I hear a long beep.

That bitch hung up on me. I feel the tears rolling down my face. I flop over to my bed. I sob. i let out all my emotions. After holding them in for so long I just need to sit there and cry. I cover myself with my bed sheets. I hold my phone to my chest and cry myself to sleep. I miss him so much.

Kirishima's POV

I look down at the knife protruding from my ribs. I really hope that didn't cut anything important. But with the pain I'm feeling right now, I wouldn't be surprised if it did. I look up at the crazy man in front of me. 

"What...What the hell was that for!?", I ask him, out of breath.

"Oh that", He says as he rips the knife out of my chest, earning another scream from me,"That was just for fun!"

This guy is insane. He walks out of the room, closing the door behind him. My eye lids start to feel heavy again. I feel blood pouring down my chest. I don't try to fight it this time. I let myself pass out. I feel myself go under. 

~~~time skip brought to you by my tears~~~

Someone is shaking me awake. I wish they would stop. It really hurts my chest. I open my eyes a little to see a girl who's probably about my age, shaking me awake. Shes wearing black yoga pants and a pink sweatshirt that is way to big. Her blond hair messily tied up in two buns.

"Oi! get up!", She whisper yells at me. I recognize her voice as the girl who kidnapped me.

I completely open my eyes this time. She smiles. Her smile makes her look fucking insane. She takes a long blade out of her sweatshirt pocket. I flinch and turn away from her. She brings the knife towards my right arm. I close my eyes and prepare for pain....but nothing. I  open my eyes and look at my arm. She's cutting the rope. After a few seconds, my right arm's free. She goes around me and starts on my left arm.  Soon enough she has me completely free.

I stand up...and immediately fall on my face. I cry out in pain. I landed right on my stab wound. The girl start laughing. Oh great. She's crazy too. She drops two things on the ground and she starts to walk towards the exit. As she leaves, something drops out of her back pocket. She doesn't seem to notice thought. I guess she couldn't hear it over her psychotic laugh. She walks up to the door. She then flips a switch on the wall. Lights in the room turn on. Wait, this room has lights! Without another word, she exits the room and closes the door behind her.

I look at the two objects she dropped in front of me. It was a small roll of crackers and a water bottle. I then look up at the other object she dropped. I painfully scoot over to the third object. I pick it up and for the first time since I've been here, I smile. I'm holding a cellphone.

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