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Bakugo POV.

"God damn, shitty hair", I say to myself as I walk home.

I look down at my phone. I'm not normally the one to send 50 texts all at once, but I'm getting worried. Kirishima wasn't at school today. Normally, I wouldn't care, but he hasn't answered any of my texts or calls. He normally responds right away. I frown.

I start to feel rain drops hit my head. Shit. I shove my phone in my back pocket and run the rest of the way home. I open the front door with a bang. I look around to see its all dark. I guess my parents had to work late. At least I get the house to myself then. I walk around and turn on all the lights. I hate the dark. After all the lights are on, I walk up the stairs to my room. I walk right in and flop on my bed. I sigh. It was a long day today. Then I feel something vibrate in my back pocket. I quickly grab my phone out of my pocket and sit up. I look at the number. I instantly recognize it. It's Kirishima's moms number. I wonder what she could want. I answer the call.

"Hello?", I say into the phone. Why would she be calling me?

"Hi Bakugo", She says. She sounds worried. I wonder what could be wrong. She's normally nice and energetic, just like Kirishima.

"What's wrong?", I ask in a monotone voice.

"Well, I was wondering if Kirishima stayed over at your house yesterday or something. He hasn't come home or called us or anything!", She says. I can hear sobs on the other side of the phone. Shit. So his mom hasn't seen him either. She sounds so worried.

"No, I haven't seen him. He wasn't at school today. He hasn't been responding to my texts either", I tell her calmly. I can still hear her crying. I wonder what happened. I though he was sick, but I guess that's not the case.

"Oh...Ok", She says sadly.

"When did you see him last?", I ask her. I need more information.

"W-well. He left yesterday night. he said he was going to go hang out with some friends. I thought he meant you. I guess not. He said he would text me...", She said sadly.

"OK..", I say. I need to think of something to do, "If you'd like, I could contact some of his other friends and ask them if they know anything", I say kindly. I don't think they know anything, but I just want her to stop crying. I want to know what happened to him too. I hate to admit it, but I miss him.

"Really! That would be great if you could do that!", She says happily. I smirk.

"Thank you very much Bakugo", she says.

"Anytime. I'll call you back if I find anything", I tell her.

And with that. Our conversation ended. I lay down and pull up my contact list. I sigh. What has that idiot gotten himself into now?

Kirishima POV.

I open my eyes to find I'm sitting in a pitch black room. Have you ever been somewhere so dark that when you open your eyes, its no different from when they were closed? That's what its like being in this room. I feel my head pounding. I try to move my arms, when I realize that they are tied down to something. I try to move my feet, but there restrained too. Oh no.

I try to activate my quirk. If I could just do that, then I could break the rope. But...I can't. I can't activate my quirk. I start to panic. That's when I remember what happened yesterday.

I was walking to Bakugo's house. I was so excited to see him! I didn't tell him I planned to come over, but he doesn't really care. A new episode of our favorite show, Attack on Titian, just came out. I want to watch it with him! I walk past an ally way, when I'm suddenly pulled into it by nothing. I look around to see two shadowy figures. I can't move. I start to panic.

The two people start talking.

"Are you sure this is the right kid?", The short one asks. She sounds like a girl.

"I'm positive. He matches the description we were given", Says the tall male next to her.

I can't move. I can't scream. All I can do Is look around. The small female walks over to me.

"We're going to have fun!", She says. This bitch is crazy.

Then, something hits the back of my head and everything goes black.

My eyes start to adjust to the dark. I look around. It's a big empty room. I see a wooden door right in front of me. I look down. I'm tied to a chair with thick ropes. My arms tied up to my elbows so I have no chance of getting out. My legs are tied to the legs of the chair. My chest is tied to the back of the chair. I thought I was having trouble breathing because I'm scared. I guess rope wrapped around my chest would do it too.

I hear a creak. I look up to see the big door start to open. Light floods the room. I squint, waiting for my eyes to adjust to the sudden light. I look at a thin male covered in severed hands. I recognize this dude from the USJ attack. Shigaraki. I guess I'm at the league of villains new head quarters. Oh I'm so screwed. He suddenly speaks.

"Why hello there", He says.

He walks over to me until he's standing right in front of me. I can't see his face, its covered by a hand. He reaches into his back pocket. He leans down until we are face to face. Or rather face to hand. He suddenly places a cold sharp blade against my cheek. My breath quickens. My heart starts to beat faster. He starts laughing.

"Oh, we're going to have fun..."

Alright. That was chapter one. I'm really excited to write this story. I think its going to be quite interesting. I'll try to update as much as possible.

See you latter Loves!

I Will Find You...///KiriBakuHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin