"But it hurts." She continued, lowering her voice. "It hurts to know that she will never love you back. That she will never care. That to her, we are nothing more than tools. To her, we are useless, annoying people who get in her way."

She shook her head and cleared her throat. "I don't wish for you to feel that way as well Andrew. To know that your mate will never love or care for you." She whispered the last parts making my heart clench. 

I knew her words had meaning. They truly did. I understood how she felt. But that didn't mean I was giving up. 

I smiled at her gratefully. "Thank you Vivian. Truly, it means a lot that you care. But its as you said. Even though she seems heartless and doesn't care you still love her. I will love her no matter how hard she tries to get rid of me. I'll hold onto her because my life depends on it. I'll be prepared to be broken again and again. But with her, I'm nothing." I told her calmly.

She stared at me a while longer before smiling a genuine smile. "Then I wish you luck Andrew." 

Vivian walked out the door -which was now open- and disappeared to talk with Emma and my mother. 

I stayed in the room, taking in a couple of deep breathes before walking into my office room. Zach was already there near the door in the corner that lead to the basement. I walked in, not wasting anytime mingling, with him on my side. 

Nora was down there with the daggers in a small circle that she drew. She was breathing a bit heavily and had a light bead of sweat on her forehead. 

She saw me and shook her head regretfully. "Forgive me sir. The daggers have Salt on it. I cannot cast a spell onto it. As for the cat, her wounds are fine. I didn't want to waste energy healing the wound so I simply stitched it up." 

I sighed nodding my head. "It's fine Nora. Thanks for the hard work. You are dismissed."

Nora nodded and walked back upstairs. 

"Want me to send a search party and sweep the area around the fire?" Zach asked. 

"Yeah. Go ahead. I'm going to warn Blood Rose and Blue Rivers Pack about Hunters around the area." I told him.

Zach went upstairs as I went over to the cat. I didn't want to leave it here so I took it up with me. My mother could play with her. 

I called Benedict from Blue Rivers and Kenneth from Blood Rose Pack and warned them about the Hunters. They both asked if I needed assistance with my search but I kindly declined. I didn't need other Packs around the area at the moment. It was hectic as it was. 

After the phone call I decided to leave the cat in my office. If she wanted to walk around she could. I left the office door open and walked out, needing something to eat and to simply relax. 

As I got closer I heard Emma's voice shouting at someone. I was to distracted to hear it earlier but getting closer I could hear it loud and clear.

"-I even told you to stay out of trouble! Didn't you hear my lecture! Now look at you! Your beat up! Injured! You could have died out there! What would have happened then!" Emma shouted. 

Before the other person could reply Emma continued, "And to think you fought them so close to Crescent Moon! Your lucky someone took you in at all! If it was another pack they would have interrogated you! Kept you there! Why must you keep doing this!" I could practically hear Emma pacing in the room. 

My Wolf didn't like the way Emma was yelling at the person. I didn't know why I should have cared. I didn't even know who it was. 

I walked into the room to see I was right. Emma was pacing in the room while Vivian sat there, drinking her coffee and reading a magazine calmly on the side.

My parents sat in front of Emma pacing with a woman with black hair in front of them. Her back was to me so I couldn't see who it was and I was too far to catch her scent. Nora stood next to the couch my parents were at, her head bowed. 

When Emma noticed me she stopped pacing and froze, her face paling instantly. Vivian glanced up from her magazine but said nothing and continued to flip through pages. 

My parents looked slightly nervous as they forced a smile. I smiled back confused. 

The girl whose back was to me tensed, her hands clenched together. She took a deep breath and blew it out sounding annoyed. 

I didn't know why I felt hurt by her annoyance. My wolf was whimpering and I felt the need to too. 

The girl stood up then and turned around to face me slowly. When I saw her my breath caught in my throat.

The first and only thing I noticed were her eyes. Her beautiful pale blue eyes. The ones I've dreamt of for years since I turned. The memories and love I felt exploded in my chest almost making me double over. How many generations have I waited for this. For her.

I was so lost in thought I didn't notice when she got closer. She looked at me flatly, her eyes giving no emotion.

She was close enough that if I took one step and reached out for her I could hug her and never let her go but I was stuck. I couldn't move, I couldn't even breathe.

She smirked at me. I felt hurt. I wanted her to smile at me. Not smirk. 

"I don't believe we've ever had the pleasure of meeting." She said in a cold voice as she stuck her hand out towards me.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Meredith."

Hope you enjoyed :)! Thanks for reading~

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