I'm not even exaggerating. When I got out the car, Lauren had already walked around and was in front of Dinah, I was behind Mani. I swear my hand to God I felt a pair of eyes on me. I looked over my shoulder as if I was just looking around and caught her ass....staring...at MY ass with no shame. She didn't even try to play it off.

She's gotta thing for me. I can see it in her eyes.

The four ladies sashayed into the building and to their studio session. The girls crash into each other when Lauren suddenly stops to get something off her shirt, causing Ally to bump into her from behind. Normani bumps into Ally and Dinah bumps violently into Normani.

Ally angrily pushes Lauren forward. "What the heck Lauren! Walk!"

"I had to get something off my shirt!" frowned Lauren.

"You didn't have to stop to get it off!"Normani fussed.

"I didn't wanna walk and try and get it off or I'd possibly run into something or someone."said Lauren.

"Well we bumped into your big headed ass."Dinah rolled her eyes before following Ally who had aggravatedly walked around Lauren.

Normani looked at Lauren.

"What? Whachu gotta say?"Lauren tilted her head with a dry look, ready to hear Normani smart remark.

Normani looked Lauren up and down quickly before walking off, her heels clicking against the marble floor of Epic Records.


Normani walked back in the room with Ally hand in hers, sighing with relief when Ally obeyed and sat over on the couch, away from Lauren. The two had gotten in an argument a few minutes ago and it was worse than any one they've ever had.

Dinally watched the two carefully, making sure they didn't look at each other. Everyone thought that for a moment, they were gonna fight, but Will shut them both up and told them to separate before it got to that point.

"Now do you guys think you can go in the booth and do this right without anybody lashing out?"The DJ asked looking at the four females, especially Lauren and Ally. Will and Andrea looked at the four, waiting for an answer.

Ally shrugged, not caring. "I'm good. Let's do it."

Ally stood from the couch and walked into the booth. Dinah got up after her, making sure Lauren didn't walk in behind Ally. She wanted to make sure they stayed as far away from each other as possible. Normani thought that that  further away they are from each other, the less the chance of them arguing.


"C-Can we stop for a minute?"Lauren bursts out, messing up the rhythm and vibe.

"Lauren what the fuck!"Dinah frowned, watching Lauren pull her earphones off. Ally sighed and Normani grew aggravated.

"This is your second time cutting out, you're starting to really aggravate the hell outta me now."Normani glared at Lauren.

The DJ stopped the song, "What's the problem, Lauren?"

"I feel like Ally is singing over all of us."said Lauren. "That's not right."

"Uh yes it is," Normani nodded. "She leads the chorus. She's suppose to sing over us, dumbass."

"Would you shut the hell up talking to me? I wasn't even talking to you."Lauren shot her eyes at Normani before looking back at the DJ.

"Lauren, Ally does lead the chorus. She's a soprano. She's suppose to be louder." The DJ explained. "Just like you and Normani lead the chorus in Down, you're both louder than Ally and Dinah when you four say "down"."

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