"How was your day?" Taehyung asks while they wait for their food.

Jimin who was staring blankly at some random point from outside, moves his gaze towards his friend who was looking at him with a warm expression.

An expression that was saying "It's alright, you're home."

"It was pretty good." He answers. "What about yours?"

"It was nice." Taehyung responds. "I got to have a walk in the park during lunch break. It felt pretty."

Jimin looks at Taehyung, wondering what he did to deserve somebody so kind-hearted to be his friend. Even though he didn't quite understand how a simple walk in the park could feel pretty, he still admired him for being so... different.

He suddenly remembers the one time Taehyung told him that everybody has their own struggles, even him. No matter how puppy-like he'd look or how nice he'd act, he still goes through hard-ships from time to time.

Everybody does, he said. It's just that some people learn to hide their cries better than others.

Back then, Jimin felt like a burden. He still does from time to time, but a few years ago, things were worse. He felt like he's the only one who has to suffer, like he's the only one who couldn't be just good enough. And what was ruining him the most was the contrast between the damage inside him and the smiles he pushed himself to fake every single day.

It's okay, Taehyung told him. And even when it isn't, it will be. Don't hide your tears, Jimin-ah, I'm here to pick them up and make tearmonade out of them.

Jimin smiles remembering that word game.

"What?" Taehyung asks amused, observing his friend's sudden smile.

"Nothing." He simply answers. "I was just thinking."

Taehyung doesn't push further. He was simply enjoying the nice moments alongside his best friend.

There was something about them. Most people would get tired of each other after spending so much time together, but that wasn't their case. Somehow, they were finding shelter in each other's friendship and for both Taehyung and Jimin, that was the best thing that they could've been given. Nowadays it's hard to find such strong bonds between people. It's hard to find genuine friendships. But they had one of that kind and one thing that they knew for sure was that it felt magical.

Eventually, their order comes. Both of them start eating right away. It's been a long day and a good dinner seemed to be the perfect way to put an end to it. Maybe for other people the idea ending of the day would've been going out, clubbing and getting wasted by 3 AM. But for them, it was this. Spending quality time together and simply enjoying each other's company.

At least that could keep them happy. Even if sometimes the world around them seemed to be tearing down, they had their own world to live in. They had each other.

And that... that was the most important thing of all.


The late November wind was tickling JungKook's wet cheeks. He felt his skin cold but he was trying his best to ignore it. Somehow, he didn't want to get too soon at his grandmother's house. It's been a tiring day and a lot of things had been going on, but he knew that once he'll be laying on his grandma's sofa, every though that he was trying to avoid would come rushing back to his memory, like a river in the rain.

He tried to tell himself that it was just his mom. He tried to tell himself that her health was the only thing he was thinking about. But that was a lie. It wasn't just her.

It was his father as well.

It was Yuna, too.

And no matter how much he'd avoid thinking about any of them, he couldn't.

He felt lonely. And that was the thing that was scaring him the most. He knew that Yuna was the only one who could keep him at the surface lately. But he shut her out. He did that to himself so he didn't have to complain. Still, it didn't feel right. He couldn't do anything regarding his mother's health. He wished he could. But he couldn't.

The thoughts about his father were only making everything worse. He wished he could've come to some middle way with every hardship he was facing right now. Sadly, he couldn't. At least, not for the moment. He had to endure it.

JungKook acts like it's not important, he acts like he is alright. He acts like he feels light as a feather, like no hard-ship is pushing on his shoulders. He acts so well that he even convinces himself he's fine. But truly, he feels like he's going mad. He feels like he needs to push everybody away... so they don't get to see this ugly part of him. The part that is so raw that even he himself is afraid to see it. He's afraid of his own self. But no, he's not afraid of what he is. He is afraid of what he could be.

He sighs. The sun had set a while ago and the streets were drowning in darkness. That's why there weren't too many people walking around at that hour. Most of them would be scared to be on the streets so late in the evening. But he wasn't. Or maybe he was. But he couldn't care anymore.

Therefore, when he finally reached the street his grandma was living on, he was truly alone. The only sounds that could be heard were his weary steps and the wind that was blowing like he wanted to remind JungKook how hard he cried earlier.

That's exactly why when his phone rang, he flinched so bad that he was pretty close to stumbling in his own feet. He rushed to take it out of his pocket. When he looked at the ID of the caller, he sighed. He wasn't expecting to be called. Actually, he didn't want to be called. He wanted to be alone for a while. His thumb wandered around the "decline" button as JungKook was staring blankly at the letters that were forming the name displayed.

Eventually, the ringtone stops and the display goes dark. He stared so long at his phone that he missed the call. His first thought was to call back, just to ask what the reason he's been called was. But something inside him made him stay still. He couldn't move anymore. He couldn't step forward. He was waiting.

In a few seconds, he receives a notification. He was waiting for that notification. He wanted to see that name again.

"1 missed call"

He taps on the notification.


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A droplet of water falls on the display of JungKook's phone and for a second, he thinks it's raining.

But when several seconds pass and no other sign of rain comes, it hits him.

It's not raining.

It's him. He's crying. Because the one who called him was her, the one he couldn't help but need right now. It was Yuna.

That's when, without trying to fight it anymore, he breaks into tears.


Special chapter!
It was nice to write it, it's nice to write from 3rd person point of view once in a while.
Should I write this kind of chapters more often?

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