Azure's Sleepover.

Start bij het begin

"That's not my story to tell. My parents aren't Nick's parents, mine adopted him before I was born and so if you need to know about his birth parents, you'll have to ask him. Don't push it though, if he says no then it's no. It's a touchy subject for him."

"I see. I never expected it, I mean, Nick treats you so well I wouldn't have believed he isn't your biological brother if you didn't say."

"He does, he doesn't let any harm come towards me. To be honest, my parents weren't rich, this is all Nick's doing" she gestured with her hands to indicate the entirety of the building.

"When I got kidnapped, he paid a whole lot of money to get me out and got me the best of therapy sessions. Yes, he is a bit overbearing at times but he is a nice man. "

"I know that he is. He is too awesome to be true,"

"I remember the first boy who had the courage to ask me out in high school. He got beat up by Nick, that was also the time I had my first serious fight with him. Lasted only three days, he came kneeling down to me, couldn't handle me being angry with him."

"Nick did that? "
"Yes, he was so protective, didn't want no fuck boy playing with his little sister's heart. After that fight, he gave me a bit of freedom. Even after my kidnap, he made sure that I had guards everywhere I went, still do though, but just to make me feel comfortable, he makes sure they do a great job of blending in so that I don't spot them."

"And your parents? Where are they now? "

"They don't stay at the city. They say that there's no peace and quiet anywhere here. They like it over there at the country side."

"Don't you miss them?"

"They're my parents, of course I do. I am attending a charity event tomorrow by evening. Nick is coming too, I'm sure you'll be his date. He holds these events in honour of my parents, they'll be there. It's going to take place in their house. You'll come right? Or are you going to look for an excuse to miss it?"

"And miss out on seeing the parents of such amazing people? No thanks, I'll be there if Grey wants me to."


"You never got to say what your friend Elisa had to say."

"She has some work to do and that's why she will be late. She's going to show up probably by 2pm and then, well go shopping for the event. Until then, why don't we go out and have some fun, she'll meet us at the restaurant we'll have lunch at. We can get to know each other better."

"We still need to talk.... "

"Zuzu I'm aware. We'll talk about it at the spa while we get some massages."

"That's okay with me Natt."

"Let's get going."

Natt and Azure spent quality time together as they got to know each other. They didn't realize that they hadn't even spoken about what they really wanted to, they were just having fun.

The time for lunch - which Azure had been praying for to arrive soon - had come and they had found a spot in a private booth where they could have some privacy.

"I'm Princess, your waiter for today. What would you ladies like to have?"

"We'll have your special for today. Be sure to make a plate extra large, one medium and one small, thanks."

Azure waited for the waiter to leave before she asked why Natalia had ordered there different sizes.

"Well, you see, I'm aware of your large appetite and my friend will only eat very little. She is a model."

Azure's Hope ( COMPLETED✔️) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu