Side Story (An Omen from Tomorrow)

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She just swung her sword at Neptune! Genesis blocked the attack just in time with only a few strands of Neptune's hair being cut.

Genesis: "What the hell are you talking about?"

Neptune: "Winners never do violence! Why did you attack me!?"

???: "As if you don't know! I will have that console! Your son and that bastard sister of mine is going to give it back!"

Neptune: "Wait...what?"

Genesis: "You had a kid?"

Neptune: "I- No! Of course not! I haven't done the nasty in my whole career! Hey! Idea Factory! What the hell are you cooking up in there!?"

Neptunio: "Get it together Neptune!"

Neptune: "Right... Just breathe hee-hee-fuuu~"

Genesis: "You're not giving birth so cut that out!"

???: "Wait... You're not...her?"

Neptune: "I have no Idea who you are talking about, so please put down the sword...! And what do you mean son?"

???: "Tch... You both look so alike though... but the eyes..."

Neptune: "What about them? Oh, I know, Ain't they pretty? Aww gee, thanks girl."

???: "And you're way too stupid to be her."

Neptune: "Excuse me!?"

...Who is this girl?

???: "My mistake... I may have mistook you for a different person, I hope you can forgive me..."

Neptune: "I will, when you put that sharp sword down."

???: "I'm still concerned about that guy behind you though... He has a different hair color, but..."

Neptunio: "I'm Neptunio... And you are?"

Loz: "I'm Loz... Neptunio...? But if you're here...Then this must be..."

Genesis: "Loz... Do you know where you are?"

Loz: "I believe I'm in... Planeptune... The vibrant purple and violet colors tell me so at least."

Genesis: "Well, you are Where did you come from."

Loz: "I woke up in the realm of Creation, along with my sister, she and I shared a black rectangular console, but after some time, we realized that we were too different for each other, so separated, but not before fighting over the console

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Loz: "I woke up in the realm of Creation, along with my sister, she and I shared a black rectangular console, but after some time, we realized that we were too different for each other, so separated, but not before fighting over the console."

Neptune: "What is this console? Does it have games!? Oh! I wanna play!"

Loz: "Well... yes, but it mainly holds our power, with it we can tap into our inner strengths boosting our abilities."

Neptunio: "And from what I can understand this so called Son of this Goofball took the console?"

Loz: "Yes... He and that sister of mine... I almost had them, but then his mother and father intervened, I battled with them but they were too powerful for me... They were about to beat me and then..."

Hyperdimension Neptunia GBOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora