Chapter 36 (Lust: A Peculiar Nation)

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Vert's POV

In the void

Vert: "Hmm... I can't seem to find my way in this void... Oh well, I've only entered anyway... Might as well- Ah... Of course... No Tea to be found anywhere I'm afraid..."

...It was a dark and cold world, only the sound of whirring wind echoed in the darkness...

Soon after light poured out from somewhere, as I turn towards the light, someone came running in...

Rom: "Miss Vert~!"

Vert: "Why if it isn't Rom! What are you doing here, do your sisters know?"

Rom: "Uh-huh~ I wanted to help Mr. Grun~ But umm... Where are we...?"

Vert: "I'm not sure... But I believe we are currently inside Grun's mind..."

Rom: "Fuwii~ It's too cold... huh?"

Rom looks upward and saw a small glimmer of light... It floated gently towards them

as it got closer, its form was revealed to be that of an accessory...

Rom: "A... Pendant..?"

Vert: "Wait... Is that Cloin's Pendant?"

Rom: "It is~!"

Vert: "Curious... How did it get here...?"

...The void started to warp... colors filled the dull space and a static sound echoed... soon, voices could be heard...

???: "Why should I... Try so hard to keep you safe...?"

Vert: "Hmm...? that voice... Emerald!"

Rom: "Ah~!"

...The pendant within Rom's hand reacted and was trying to free itself from the little girl's grasp...

???: "It truly is a beautiful day you know... It's the perfect day for people to enjoy themselves for us to play, have fun and just have a genuinely good time. But I guess there are humans like you who never change..."


...The entire void cracked... and then four spears appeared out of nowhere...

Vert: "Rom! Brace yourself!"

Rom: "Eek~!"

...The four spears flew towards them in an unpredictable manner, the duo prepared for an attack, 2 spears headed towards Vert, the CPU summoned her spear and clashed with the incoming attacks she jumped backwards while parrying and blocking the enraged spears...

Vert: "What is the meaning of this!?"

Rom: "Fuwii~!!!"

Vert: "Hm?"

...Vert turns to Rom, there she saw the other 2 spears heading towards her, Vert couldn't get there in time, the spears glowed red and was about to impale the CPU candidate when...


Rom: "huh~?"

...The pendant glowed bright, the spears stopped in mid-air and then fell lifeless unto the ground... The spears that were after Vert did the same... soon after they shattered into a million pieces and vanished in thin air...

Vert: "Rom! Are you hurt!?"

Rom: "No~ I'm fine. But the Pendant, why did it shine like that?"

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