Sea On Skin, Honey

80 1 0

Author - vanillapeachesandcream
Word Count - 14.1K

Even if you're small, you hold me so cozily,
When it seems like I'm going to forget myself,
In that place, I find my old self,
Remember your smell and everything else,
You're my summer, autumn, winter, every spring.

Ma City

Summer is bright and sticky in Gwangju. Namjoon feels the strengthened sunlight graze his cheeks through the open window, and the warm, humid air dampens his hair with sweat. "They'll have the net set up, right?" Hoseok asks, Jeolla accent transforming his words into something livelier and more suited for the summer.

"Probably," Seokjin says. He's seated comfortably in the driver's seat with one hand on the wheel and another resting calmly outside the window. "They always had a net set up before."

"As long as they have a nice, shady area, I'm sold," Yoongi mumbles from across the backseat beside Namjoon. He pops the cap off his chapstick, and Namjoon inhales the faint scent of strawberry in the hot car. His thighs are stuck to the leather seat, shorts bunched up around the middle of his thigh, and his bare arms feel sticky in the summer air.

"I'm sure they've had the large umbrellas up for you since the last time you talked their ears off," Namjoon says, letting out two sharp peals of laughter. Yoongi throws the chapstick at him, the partially unravelled label catching on Namjoon's shoulder and rolling to the floor. Yoongi groans loudly. "It's too hot, and I'm never gonna find my lip balm again."

The car comes to a stop in an outdoor parking area with stones littering the ground. Namjoon pushes the door open and jumps down, rolling his feet to get used to the sensation of hard rocks under his flip-flops. He hears three car doors slam after his and the automated beep of the car being locked. An arm is slung around his shoulder, and it's uncomfortable in the way it sticks to him, but contact is always a little more uncomfortable in the summer, when skin sticks to skin so easily.

Hoseok lets out a loud whoop of excitement, Namjoon tucked under his arm although he's taller, and a volleyball tucked under the other. "This summer's gonna be great," he says, practically skipping. "I can just feel it." He smells like sunscreen and chlorinated water, even when summer's just started.

"I'm ready to get that perfect tan," Seokjin says from in front of them, head turning to look over his broad, built shoulders.

Yoongi scoffs from where he's walking beside Seokjin. He looks much smaller beside him, shoulders slouched, strides lazy. "I'm not," he mumbles bitterly. He's wearing a long-sleeved shirt, even in the hot weather, and it draws Namjoon's eyes to the back of his neck where the skin is pale and soft-looking under a thin glaze of sweat.

The ocean is a gorgeous mix of blue and emerald, and it takes Namjoon's breath away no matter how many times he's been here. The sand is a golden beige, and it's warm between his toes after he kicks his slippers to the side and digs his toes in. As expected, there are large seating areas off to the side with umbrellas in varying shades of neon pastel.

"Hey, let's go greet Jungkook," Namjoon says, freeing himself from Hoseok's clutches. They trudge over to the red and white lifeguard seat, and Namjoon looks up, blinded by the harsh rays of the sun. He can vaguely make out a shadowy figure, a brief flash of skin tanned gold.

"Ay, 'sup, Kookie!" Hoseok yells. His forearm is drawn up to his face to shield his eyes from the sun.

"Thought you were gonna quit this summer," Namjoon adds.

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