A Not-So-Black Friday

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Word Count - 4.1K
Author - piratesatsea

Jimin was having the worst day.

He was going to be late.


He tapped his foot impatiently against the floor as he waited for the subway to finally pull into his station so he could get off and sprint the rest of the way to work.

He'd underestimated how long it would actually take for him to get ready, and the short time he had to get to work meant he had no time to take a shower or have breakfast. His stomach rumbled insistently and he rubbed his hand over it in a vain attempt to hide the noise, trying not to think about how he wouldn't have chance to eat until his eight hour shift at one of the most popular department stores in the city was over. It wasn't even a regular shift, it was Black fucking Friday.

Jimin yawned widely. He wasn't used to such early starts; normally the store opened at 8:30am, but because it was Black Friday he had to be at the store for 4:15am, ready for opening at 4:30am instead.

Jimin had been determined to make a good impression on his manager when he got the job since he was pretty desperate for the money, but ever since he started three weeks ago he had been late pretty much every shift. He just couldn't help it, his bed was too comfy in the mornings. His manager was going to be pissed. He tapped his foot on the floor even more insistently, as if that could make the train travel faster.

The train eventually pulled into his station and the doors had barely opened before Jimin was sprinting along the platform and up the stairs, battling his way through the crowds. The station seemed particularly busy that morning, with crowds and crowds of people taking their time to stroll through the station, their attention too focussed on their phones to take any notice of Jimin desperately trying to get through.

Jimin spared a quick glance at his watch. It read 4:21am. He was officially late.

He finally broke free of the crowds as he reached the station exit. The department store was located across the street from the station and Jimin dashed across the road, barely even checking it was clear. He'd already been late six times, he wasn't sure how long his boss would continue being lenient with him.

He narrowly avoided a motorcycle whizzing past him as he raced across the street. The line was already snaking around the side of the building, so far back that Jimin couldn't see the end despite the fact the store wasn't even open yet. His manager was waiting for him at the back door, his arms firmly folded across his chest.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, Mr Lee." Jimin panted out. He could see the line starting to push forward as he made his way over to Mr Lee. The security guards outside the door were struggling to keep them back. He vaguely heard one customer yell. "I can see people moving around in there! The store's open!"

"This is happening too often, Jimin. You need to start getting here on time or I'll have to hire someone else to replace you."

Jimin nodded politely and whispered another quiet apology before heading off to the staff room. He spared one last nervous glance at the line before he got out of sight. He could just tell already his shift was going to be hell.

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