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(I know people that have been corrupted. When I say corrupted I mean their minds are corrupted. It's kinda scary to see people change within an instant because of it. They snap and lose there minds. I don't want to see that happen to people anymore. It's hard to watch.)

*Y/N Pov*

I just got finished speaking with The Devil and left the bathroom. I walked into the kitchen so I could go back outside but I saw someone. It was Isaac's little sister. I guess she really didn't die after all. Looks like Isaac got a happy ending after E.V.E. that's good to know. I see her smile at me so I smile back and finally head back outside.

Isaac: "Yo man, what took so long?"

Y/N: "What do you mean?"

Isaac: "You were in there for like ten minutes."

Y/N: "I had to deal with somethings."

Isaac: "Whatever you say dude."

Y/N: "Hey can we talk alone for a second?"

Isaac: "Yeah let's go into my room."

We head inside and head to Isaac's room.  We walk in and he shuts the door.

Isaac: "So what did you want to talk about?"

Y/N: "I know this is going to sound weird but have you ever met someone by the name KoreEye?"

Isaac: "No? I've never even heard of that name."

Y/N: "Hmmm how about The Creator?"

Isaac: "I've talked to The Creator. He's the one that gave me a happy ending."

Y/N: "Then you have spoken to KoreEye."

Isaac: "His name wasn't KoreEye."

Y/N: "Wait what? Then that would mean that there is more then one creator."

Isaac: "Really?"

Y/N: "Yeah."

Isaac: "Have you talked to him?"

Y/N: "No, I haven't. I want to but he just doesn't seem to want to show himself."

Isaac: "Well I met one of The Creators through this mirror."

He points to the mirror that is hanging in his room.

Y/N: "The mirror huh?"

I walk in front of the mirror and stare at myself. Am I doing something wrong or something? Maybe if I snap into it he will appear. I bring my hand up to the mirror but someone else appears in the mirror. He has black hair and one eye is purple, while his other eye is black.

???: "You really shouldn't snap into the mirror. It will cause nothing but harm to you and others around you. Don't need you to go into my world again or other worlds."

Y/N: "Who are you?"

TMR Y/N: "I am you, but from a different world. The Devil called it The Master Realm."

(TMR Is Short For The Master Realm.)

Isaac: "What the hell is going on?"

Y/N: "You see him right?"

Isaac: "Yeah."

TMR Y/N: "Snapping is dangerous, trust me I've done it and it has cause a lot of destruction. Only do it when you are in desperate need to do it."

Y/N: "Desperate need? What do you mean by that?"

TMR Y/N: "I'm sure you will find out soon."

Y/N: "Well have you met KoreEye?"

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