Chapter 20

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The ride home was completely quiet no one said a word, Max was driving while Jacob was sat in the passenger seat with me sat on his lap, his grip on me was tight but it wasn't painful, all the other boys were sat in the back seats.

Reaching my house, everyone gets out the car, I open the passenger door to step out only for Jacob to get out with me still in his arms, "I can walk ya know" he looks down at me and gives me a small smile before looking where he was going and walks into the house, going into the living room here puts me down on the couch carefully as if something on me was about to break, I wiggle to get comfortable, looking up I see all the guys looking at me I raise an eyebrow "Lexi your pregnant" Joe said shocked as if it was the first time it had just been said "correction, 'was' I've appeared to have lost it" each and every one of them look at me in shock and sympathy "well now that were here we can always make sure" my head turns to Max, I nod my head, Max steps forward, slowly I stand up, I grip hold of Max to keep my balance, we walk to the basement door everyone trails behind, I punch in the key code and the steel door opens, walking down the steps it takes us into the underground sections, the ones that run under the streets, I walk ahead of everyone and into the infirmary room, switching on the computers, the robots come to life, walking up to the bed I climb on top, typing in the instructions into the computer the robot arms begin to clean my wounds and check for any breaks.

After I'm all cleaned up, the robot's setup the ultra sound, I look up at all the guys to see them looking around in amazement, "it's amazing isn't it?" Each of them shake their heads in agreement, "right time to see what's going on in this stomach of mine" everyone walks forward and stops at the edge of the bed, the robot arm squirts the gel onto my stomach and then places the scanner on my stomach, it moves around for a bit the picture on the screen focuses and my face drops, on the screen was absolutely nothing, not one thing, I close my eyes and take a deep breath, turning to the bottom of my bed I look straight at Jacob all I see is sadness in his eyes, "Jake, I'm sorry" his head snaps to me, he walks up to me, placing both hands on either side of my face, "don't say that it wasn't your fault, it was my so called fathers, he shouldn't have done that to you" I smile at him "maybe this was for the best" he looks at me wide eyed, "just listen, were both from gang families, both are rivals towards one another, bringing a baby into it would only cause more drama, plus the fact were still teenagers, we will want to have fun and get drunk, make mistakes, you wouldn't want to be stuck at home changing diapers all the time, I know you don't want a kid now, but maybe in the future when the time is right and were not in school it will happen" he looks at me for a second before leaning in and giving me a kiss on the forehead.

I couldn't help but smile at the small gesture, "I know you were scared to tell me you were pregnant, even if the baby survived I would of been right by your side throughout it all, I love you and that's not going to change" I jump up from the bed and into Jacobs arms, "now that this is all sorted there just one thing, no one is to tell my father, else he will have all our heads, understand" all the guys nod their head.

After all the sentimental moments passed everyone went upstairs, everyone went to the living room and we decided to watch a bunch of movies and order Chinese.

Half an hour into the movie the doorbell went, jumping up I ran to the door to answer thinking it was the food we ordered, boy was I wrong, swinging the door open I came face to face with none other than a very angry looking Lucy and a slightly scared looking Sam, "what are you doing here?" I question, Lucy all but screams and barges past me into my house, Sam looks at me with a guilty expression, eyeing him suspiciously I allow him in my house, shutting the door, I walk into the living room to find Lucy repeatedly hitting Jacob over the head with a pillow while yelling incoherent words at him, I stand waiting for one of the guys to stop her but they just smile in amusement at the situation in front of them.

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