Chapter 8

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*Friday the trip to the aquarium*

I wake up to my alarm, climbing out of bed I drag myself to the bathroom and shower.

Stepping out of the shower I wrap a towel tight round my body, walking to the wardrobe I pull out my towel and an extra set of clothes; jean shorts and a white belly top and extra lingerie and put it into my bag.

I put on a pair on my ice blue strapless bikini, a pair of white shorts and a checker top tying it at the bottom showing my bikini top.

I walk back into the bathroom and dry my hair, leaving it in its natural beech curls, not putting on any make-up I grab my flip flops and bag and head to school.

I reach the school with ten minutes to spare I pull my car next to Jacobs bike, I get out and give Jacob a hug "hey" I kiss him on the cheek, turning around I grab my bag closing and locking the door.

Turning round I spot Sam and Lucy making their way over I look at Jacob and smile slyly "well looks like those two are getting along" he just laughs "are you going to play match maker?" I just grinned at him, they reach us we say our 'HI's' then head for the bus.

Once we gave our teachers our names and hopped on the bus, ten minutes later the busses are driving towards the aquarium.

Ten minutes later we reach the dock, stepping off the bus we all walk onto the dock, when we reached the dock I noticed my yacht sat there searching round I see my aunt Sophia stood at the front of the group talking to the principle.

Minutes later the principle gets our attention "right we seem to be having a problem with the boat that's meant to take us to the aquarium" everyone starts talking and yelling about it not being fair.

"QUIET" everyone shuts up and looks at the teacher "can't we take that one?" some kid yells, my aunt steps forward and says "we can't it doesn't belong to me it belongs to my niece" a few people whisper before the same person speaks again "well can't we borrow it?" I look back at my aunt to see she's debating whether to do it or not, I watch as she pulls out her phone then places it to her ear, everyone quiets down.

Seconds later my phone starts ringing I pull it out of my bag and everyone turns to look at me including my aunt Sophia "Lexi you're in this class?" I just laughed "aunt Sophia we went shopping last week and discussed this, now I know you were concentrating more on the clothes than me" a small blush appears on her face, "I'll go get my keys" with that I jump off the dock and run to the only house on this beech.

After grabbing my keys, I run back out and jump up on the dock, walking to the front, "right who exactly is driving my yacht?" I ask she smiles "me" with that said I pass her the keys and follow her onto my boat.

Another ten minutes later and everyone is on the boat and we've cast off.

The teachers gathered the students on the bottom deck "right this is not your boat and this is a very expensive boat so do not touch anything" the teacher who spoke turned to me asking if I wanted to say anything I nodded and walked next to him "right you may explore the yacht as said before don't touch anything this whole yacht is worth 2.1 million dollars so be careful" I smiled and walked off.

Going to the front of the yacht I stood at the tip of the boat feeling the wind rip through my hair, a pair of arms wrap around my waist I turn to see Jacob stood there with Sam and Lucy behind him "I can't believe this is your boat Lexi" Lucy screams over the wind I smile "thanks it was a gift from my dad on my 13th birthday" she looked at me shocked.

Turning my head to Jacob I kiss him on the lips, he licks my bottom lips asking him for entrance, just as I allow excess a blood curdling scream erupts from the back of the boat, I pull away from Jacob and run to where it came from, Jacob, Sam and Lucy hot on my heels.

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