When the Words Shift

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He could have sworn that Roh-Ahn was taking twice as long as it normally would to simply button the shirt, and it was absolute torture until he finally stepped away with a quiet chuckle. 

"What's funny?" Austin asked as he glanced down at his shirt, noting that the top button was undone, but the shirt looked perfectly fine. 

"I gave you so much time. You must have an iron will." Roh-Ahn replied, making Austin sigh and shake his head. 

"I swear I'm going to learn Korean just so I know what you slip into our conversations, you punk. I bet you commented on my non-existent six pack." 

"You're very healthy and look perfect to me, you don't need that extra muscle." 

"Probably poking fun at my messy hair, too, right?" 

"I love its color and I want to run my fingers through it, especially when you're just waking up." 

"That's it, you're gonna get your butt kicked." Austin said playfully, reaching forward to muss up Roh-Ahn's previously styled hair. 

The guy didn't seem to mind in the slightest and just laughed, so Austin stepped closer and, using his foot, carefully knocked Roh-Ahn's good leg out from under him. He didn't let him hit the ground hard, though. Instead, he easily caught his weight and lowered him until his back settled softly against the carpet. 

He was just opening his mouth to ask for a kiss when Roh-Ahn reached up and wrapped his arms around his neck, pulling him down so that their mouths could meet. The kiss lasted far longer than intended, but neither of them complained, even when they stopped to catch their breath three separate times. 

The sound of footsteps stopping by the open door had Austin sitting back on Roh-Ahn's waist to stare up at a smirking Ike. 

"Damn, I like the positions, but I highly suggest not doing it on carpet. Even wearing clothing, that shit hurts." 

This guy...

Thankfully, he got off Roh-Ahn just before Wan-Nu walked up to the door. 

"Why is Roh-Ahn on the floor?" He asked as Austin quickly leaned over and helped him up. "You know what, I have other questions, mainly about your shirt being almost unbuttoned and his hair looking like he had just woken up, but I'm going to just back away from this subject right now and ask if you two can be ready to leave in five minutes? We were going to meet you at the restaurant, but it looks like you might have been late if we didn't decide to just come pick you up..." 

Roh-Ahn quickly tried to fix his hair while nodding. "Yes, we'll be ready." 

Instead of answering, Wan-Nu just sighed and started walking toward the sofa to sit, but then turned around and pointed at Austin. 

"That door stays open." 

Giving an awkward chuckle, Austin nodded, then turned to step into his bathroom in order to check himself in the mirror. 

Holy crap, I didn't notice him give me a hickey at all. 

There was an obvious bruising mark on his chest just low enough to be hidden if he buttoned up his shirt most of the way. 

No wonder Wan-Nu looked like he did. 

"Let me help." Roh-Ahn said, startling Austin a little as he limped in front of him and quickly buttoned up his shirt. 

"Hm, that was much faster than before, Roh." Austin noted with a hint of teasing in his voice. 

He loved the faint blush that painted Roh-Ahn's cheeks and would have taken full advantage of their close proximity, but with Wan-Nu in the living room? Not possible. 

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