"Oh..." he trails off. "How's she doing? Last I talked her she was upset. I know you guys made up, but I haven't gotten the chance to call her yet"

I look at him. "She's fine. Why does that matter to you? She's MY girlfriend.

He puts his hands up in defeat. "Woah man, I don't see why you're getting so protective of her! I just asked!"

I growl. "Well don't"

Sighing, he looks at me. "Amaya is gonna be okay. She just broke her ar-"

"ShE JUST bRoKe HeR aRm" I mock.

He rolls his eyes. "You're being a dick. We should be going to see our sister"

I sigh. "Okay...sorry... just so much is going on. First it was dad and I fighting, Moon getting sliced at her stomach, you getting shot, dad getting a concussion, Moon and I so bad that I hurt her and that she moved to Illinois, and now Amaya broke her arm. And all of it was my fault"

"It's not your fault man. These things happen. We're all okay... Lexi and I are healed, dad is gaining his memory, Lexi is coming home, and Amaya is just getting immediate surgery and a cast. She's gonna heal" he says.

"Stefan I really need to move out... I found a mansion nearby. You gonna with?" I ask.

"Sure. I just don't wanna hear any moaning!" he points at me and we burst out laughing.

"Alright let's go see our sister" I say and he nods.

We hop on our motorcycles and speed to the hospital.

When we arrive, we speed to Amaya's room to see everyone but Amaya there.

"Where the hell is Amaya?!" Stefan asks.

"In surgery" Froy says.

"Fuck! Is she okay?!" I ask in panic.

They nod. "She broke her arm in two places..." Hunter asks.

"She's crying so badly..." mom frowns.

"No... I-I don't want her to cry" I frown as well.

"She's okay Buddy" dad says and we look at him.

A smile grows on my face and so does everyone else's.

Then my frown comes back.

"I should've been watching her instead of just letting her do what she did" I sigh.

They look at me in confusion. "What happened?" Aiden asks.

I sigh. "She asked if Moon was coming home today. I said yes and she threw her arms up, dropping the reins. Spunky thought it was a sign to bolt so he did"

"Shit..." Felix says.

"That's wicked" Froy adds.

I look down in guilt then mom walks up to me and lifts my chin so I'm looking at her. "Just think of the positives! Your girlfriend is coming home!! And so are your kids! There's so much to look forward for baby. Don't keep your mind on the commotion going on"

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