"I'm sorry, I wasn't sure if I was allowed to walk inside." Camila said, her voice shaky.

"Oh, yes, absolutely", Lauren said. SHe hadn't even considered that some slave owners might insist on something so ridiculous, she squatted down next to Camila. "Of course you can walk, you don't ever have to crawl or kneel here, okay?" SHe offered her hands to help Camila to her feet again, but Camila just looked at them uncomprehendingly before struggling to her feet again.

"Come to the bathroom with me, I'll draw a bath." Lauren said leading the girl by her side to the bathroom. SHe wasn't touching her, but she let her hands hover over Camila's arms in case she had to catch her. Camila stumbled after only two steps. Lauren caught her easily, not only since she had almost expected it, but also because Camila was so light. SHe almost had to drag the other boy into the bathroom since all of her strength seemed to have left her. At the close proximity Lauren suddenly became aware of the other girl's overpowering smell, she mustn't have been in contact with water for days if not weeks.

Inside the bathroom she sat Camila down on a chair and picked a very mild bubble bath that she hoped wouldn't aggravate the whipping marks and Camila's other injuries and proceeded to fill the bath with warm water.

The bath didn't foam as much as most bubble baths did, but she hoped the bubbles would give Camila some privacy since Lauren didn't plan to leave her alone in the bathroom. The other girl looked as though she might faint at any second and Lauren really didn't want to return to a corpse floating in her tub.

Once she was satisfied with the temperature and volume she walked over to Camila, helping her to herfeet. "Come on, your bath is ready."

Camila looked bewildered. "This is for me?", she asked as Lauren helped her walk towards the tub.

Lauren nodded. They stopped in front of the tub. "You might want to take that off," Lauren suggested, pointing at the dirty panties and bra. Camila pulled them down and let them drop to the floor without a moment's hesitation. Lauren made a mental note to watch her tone in the future, since everything she had suggested to the other girl so far had been taken as a direct order.

SHe helped Camila step into the tub, keeping her from slipping on the wet surface and carefully set her down, carefully watching her to see if the soapy water was hurting her, but all she saw was amazement as the water covered her to her neck.

"Is the temperature alright? It's not too hot is it? Do you want out?", Lauren asked in a panic, ready to pull Camila out if the water was hurting her, but the slave girl shook her head violently.

"No, it's just", she let out a quiet sob "I'm sorry, I just... it's warm." Camila said as if there had been some mistake. SHe hid her face in her wet hands.

"Of course it is, it's a bath", Lauren said frowning.

"I haven't been allowed warm water since I was 12", Camila whispered looking up at Lauren with tearful eyes. "Thank you!"

Lauren closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again and putting a smile on her face "Well you can have as much of it as you want now." SHe promised, her tone coming out far too cheery, but Camila's eyes lit up like a little kids on Christmas morning. Lauren reached into a cupboard for a new bath sponge. SHe squeezed shower gel on it and set down on the edge of the tub, handing it to Camila. The girl practically leeched on to it and enthusiastically started scrubbing at her chest as though she wanted to make the most of the sponge as long as she had access to it.

"We're in no hurry", Lauren assured her "you have all the time you want." Her words only slowed the other girl down marginally as she scrubbed at her arms, neck and face.

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