"I know, Oscar, but the family also protects each other and stops each other from doing something that'll get you killed." I objected.

"And you doing this alone will kill you, Harry." Oscar retorted.

"I'm not alone. I have Charlie."

"So, you're willing to let Charlie help you with this, knowing he can get caught in the crossfire?"

"Oscar! I am not risking your life. Not again, not ever."

"But you're willing to risk yours and Charlie's?" He asks, anger and annoyance evident.

"It's my life, and it's always in risk," I said. "Charlie is only helping me figure out what kind of drugs O.B.D is using now."

"You're messing with dangerous people, Harry. You could die." He said in a low tone.

I shrugged. "It's better me than you."

"Harry, please-"

I cut him off. "Oscar, the answers no. You have a beautiful life in Ireland. You're going to Uni, and you're pursuing your dream. Most importantly, you're safe."

He sighed, defeated. "Fine, but if you ever do need help, you have my number now.

I sighed in relief. Oscar can be so stubborn sometimes. "Thank you. If I'm desperate and need help, I'll give you a ring."

"That's all I ask for." He said. "Okay, I have to study for a midterm, so I'll text you later."

I nodded. "Yeah, see you."

"Bye," Oscar hung up.

I tucked my phone back in my pocket and walked over to the boys. As I approached them, I noticed Louis wasn't among them. I looked around and spotted him talking to a girl by the exit. The girl was saying something to him. When he moved a little, I saw the girl's face. It was Amar. She told him something then Louis nodded and she left, getting into a black jeep. As the car drove away, I got a look at the driver. It was the new kid, Tyler.

I heard Louis say something and bow his head. I was nervous to place an arm over him. We've never hugged or made an effort to do so. The times where I've held him when he told me about his family and when Louis held me as I opened up about my mum didn't count. We were comforting each other, and it felt right. It's awkward when it's any other time. I knew Louis felt the same because he never brought it up. I hesitated but wrapped an arm around him. He flinched and looked up at me then relaxed.

"Time and space, right?" He asked, facing the ground.

I carefully grabbed his chin and brought his face up to make him look at me. "It'll be okay. When she's ready, she'll talk to us." I'm about to let go of him when suddenly he rested his head on my shoulder. It was weird, but a good weird. It felt right. It didn't feel like how I thought it would.

"C'mon. Let's get back to the boys." I whispered and turned around, Louis following my movements, so he wouldn't fall. I frowned when he picked his head up from my shoulder.

When we reached the boys, I saw Niall smirking at me. I was confused as to why he was smirking at me, but it disappeared when Louis walked away and sat on the bleachers. I wanted to hold onto him for a little bit longer. I shook my head and sat down next to him. We talked a bit more before the bell rang. We walked inside and changed. I stunk, and I was sweaty. The other boys changed their clothes, but I waited for everyone to be gone when I hopped into the shower. I was sure Louis would give Niall a ride home. I washed my hair as I sang some lyrics I wrote earlier.

You don't understand, you don't understand

What you do to me when you hold his hand

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