The girls were so busy giving Madison the stink eye from across the lunch room that they didn't even notice Ethan and Benny taking a seat in front of them.

"What's your guys' problems?" Benny asked, chomping on a carrot.

"That Madison girl is insanely weird— and stupid," Sarah carped. "Wonder if she knows that her ass is about to spill out of her shorts."

"Okay, so she's not the sharpest tool in the shed, but she seems nice," Ethan argued, gazing into the wall behind Sarah's head. "...And pretty."

The four froze their conversation once they heard the clacks of high heels walking towards their table. The bimbo in question was on her way.
"I'm not even looking at her right now," Benny assured to Ellie, putting his hand over his eyes to shield his view. "So not looking."

"Oh, hi!"
Sarah and Ellie heard from behind them, wincing at Madison's high-piercing voice. "You're the girl from math class, right? Shellie—?"

"—It's Ellie," she corrected. "And it's not math, it's chemistry."

"What's the difference?" Madison smiled.

"There's actually an incredibly big difference—!"

"So, how do you girlies like school?"
Madison interrupted as she squeezed herself in the seat between Ellie and Sarah. "I just love school! It's like my favourite place on Earth!"

"What is happening?"
Ellie whispered to Ethan and Benny, with the mage still shielding his eyes from Madison. The floozy rose from the chair between Sarah and Ellie, smirking at her idea to slide in between Ethan and Benny.
"Hi, boys!"

Ethan had no words to say, but only drooled over the girl. He couldn't figure out why he was so infatuated with this new presence before him, but a part of Ethan felt immediately addicted.
Benny had many things to say to Madison; none of them good, but he needed to control his temper and leave it be, only looking at his girlfriend from across the table.
Madison giggled as she leaned on Ethan's shoulder, thrusting the psychic's eyes into an unexpected vision.

Two monstrous black wings covered Ethan's vision as a silhouette with long pointed ears and a thin black tail revealed itself. He felt a strong desire for passion and affection in the vision, which is something that had never happened to him before.

Being thrown back into reality, Ethan caught sight of his friends' hopeful expressions as they watched his eyes go white. There was trouble ahead and they knew it.
"Sorry, Madison, but we really have to—!"

"—We should definitely hang out more!" Madison squealed.
Right before Benny, Ellie, and Sarah could disagree with the annoying girl, Ethan automatically nodded his head in agreement.

"Yeah! We really should!"

Madison happily squeaked, unable to identify the dropped jaws of Benny, Ellie, and Sarah. She rose from her squished seat between Ethan and Benny, bouncing away from the geeks and vamp.

"What the hell did you just do?" Sarah gawked.

"What?" Ethan questioned, genuinely confused. "She seems really nice!"

"You're only saying that because her boobs were in your face the whole time," Benny told him.

"What was your vision about?" Ellie asked. 

Benny gasped, "Wait, did her boobs send him into a vision? Dude, you can get visions from boobs! Boob visions? Bisions? Boob-isions? Boob—!"

"Stop saying the word 'boob,'" Ellie told him. "Ethan, what did you see?"

"Pft, what? I didn't have a vision," Ethan scoffed, clearly lying.
"My eyes just... do that."


Sarah and Ellie were sat in the study hall, working on a bunch of homework until Sarah brought up an incredibly random question that caught Ellie off guard.

"El, how do you think Ethan feels about Madison?"

"...Huh?" Ellie blurted. "What do you mean?"

"I just- uh..." Sarah stopped her sentence, trying to find the right words.
"It's just that he had that vision earlier and he's denying it, and we don't know what that means and—!"

"—Ohhh, I see," Ellie smirked as she closed her notebook. She took her finger and twirled it around in a circle, booping Sarah on the nose with a cheeky smile splattered across her face. "You're jealous."

"What?" Sarah scoffed. "Nooo, why would I— oh my god, is it obvious?"

Ellie couldn't stop the cackle from leaving her mouth. Sarah tried to get her witch BFF to stop causing a scene, but Ellie kept laughing in disbelief. 

"Sarah, did you finally admit it?" Ellie smiled.

"You know what? Fine! I give!" Sarah exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. "I like Ethan, but please don't tell him or Benny!"

"Woah. You have no clue, do you?" Ellie gawked.
Sarah squinted at her in confusion. "Holy shit, it's been three years and you've never noticed?"

Sarah just stared blankly into the wall as Ellie walked out of study hall, thinking about what she said. "He likes me?"

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