Chapter 5- The Castilian Mafia

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"What? Why would he say that to me? Was it a threat? I didn't even do anything this time!" I've been shouting frantically at Iris for the past fifteen minutes.

Ever since she translated the 'quideri quiderio' uh whatever it was that Derek said, I've been up on my feet, circling around the bar counter absolutely terrified of the ideas his words have left in my mind.

I don't understand this! one minute he's kissing me SO passionately that I could melt right there in his arms and then next I know he's THREATENING me!

Is he freakin' bipolar?! Why would he kiss me if he was so pissed off about what I said the last time we met! Such a player. Ughhh

I don't care if he's rich or powerful or if could hurt me in any way, he will NOT talk to me like that and not get a piece of MY MIND!

"Relax Rose, I don't think he meant anything by it. He was obviously drunk! Let's just go back to the dorms. Sleep it off" Iris says trying to console me.

"The only thing that I am going to do is ask him what hell is" I say before heading towards the door.

'calm down Rose, just go in there, shout anything that comes out of your mouth, turn and shut the freakin' door in his face' I repeat to myself as I stomp out of the bar and walk as fast as I can to the posh room.

Obviously he was only pretending to be drunk, how come he got 'all normal' after the threat?

As I reach the doors of the posh area, I decide to walk-in in style.


I bang on the doors as hard as I can before opening them and walking straight to where Derek Skyler was sitting. Oh lovely, he has company. Fine I'll just entertain his friends as well.

"WHAT DID THAT MEAN?" I shout at him looking him straight in the eye.

He gives me a perplexed look but remains silent. Irritating me even more.

"You Derek Skyler! I'm talking to you!" I shout at him again, not caring about the looks the other two men on the table are giving me.

"What did that mean? Where exactly is the hell you welcomed me to?" I ask again.

"You'll find out soon, querido" he sounds elated.

"Ahem ahem" one the men sitting across from him coughs to catch my attention.

I turn my head to look at the source of that noise and find myself staring at two hulks. Probably in their fourties. They look much older than Derek. They are both dressed in black suits and ties and are wearing dark sunglasses even inside the room. Just as I'm about to focus on Derek again, one of the men sitting on the outer side of the booth stands up and grabs my hand.

"Ouchh, What the hell! You're hurting me!" I say, startled whilst trying to remove my hand from his death-tight grip.

My eyes immediately search for Derek. He's the only person here I've met before. Our eyes meet and I plead him to stop all this. He looks at me as if he's sorry this is happening to me. He won't help me. He's just sorry I'm going through it. And then just like that, it's gone. A look of indifference masking the guilt. I can't believe I actually thought he would help me. He's the reason I'm in this situation in the first place.

"You don't talk to BOSS like that ever, you understand niña" he says just as his other hand reaches the back of his pant to pull out a gun.


I stare at him, too shocked to say anything. I stare with my eyes wide at the man who now has a gun pointed to my head. He pushes me onto his body so that I'm almost hugging him. At this movement, my wrist twists even more and I hear something crack.

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