Chapter 1- The Voice

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"Wake Up Rose" Iris whispered gently tugging me to get my attention.

"In a minute" I mumbled from between my pillows.

There was an unexpected silence after that and it didn't go well with my brain so taking a deep breath I open my eyes and straighten up on my bed.

Squinting my eyes to adjust them to the dark room around me, I try to look around for Iris. Ahh I'm in dire need of glasses else I'm as good as blind! I make a mental note of getting them once I get a job.

The silence in the room breaks my train of thoughts and I realise that even though Iris was waking me up she isn't here anymore. Where did she go?

I sit in silence, staring into the darkness around me I can't help but notice that the room is eerily quiet... a little too quiet for my liking...

Shifting on my bed, I prop up on one elbow and throw the covers off my foot to slide out of the bed as quietly as possible.
Where's Iris? Was she even here or was I dreaming again?

I was so deep into my thoughts that I didn't notice anyone approaching me.

"Oww" I grimace as something cold and slimy covers the whole of me, it's source of attack being Mia Hathaway, the queen bee of The Westwood Academy.

"What the hell Mia? What the fuck is your fucking problem?" I shout at her tall frame hovering over my bed.

"Just that you stink, geek" she says smiling as she turns around to walk away.

I stand up from my bed so fast that I get a head rush. Nope, Head rush, you'll have to wait, I have a bitch to take care of.

"Not so soon bitch" I grab her hand and yank her back so she's facing me. As soon as I open my mouth to glorify her being, Someone brightens the room by turning the lights on.

Miss. Rita Dee, the hostel warden stomps inside the room with Iris tailing behind her.

"I want all you girls back to your beds, NOW, and Rose you wash yourself up before you sleep" She commands and leaves the room as I stand fuming in front of my bed dripping slime.

Of course, as expected, the doings of the queen go unnoticed by the hostel warden! Perks of being the principals daughter and all!

Iris rushes to me with napkins and starts rubbing the icky slime off of me.

"I'm so sorry Rose, I was in the loo when I heard her planning it out... I came rushing to you but you wouldn't wake up so I ran to Miss. Dee to get her but when we came Mia had already.." Iris started to blabber.

"It's not your fault 'ris, you tried to get me up. Mia would have found another way to do this anyway" I shrug my shoulders to let her know that I didn't blame her for this.

I've been here for a WEEK and I've already had enough of it!

Rushing to the toilet I look at myself in the mirror. Amazing! I'm covered in green slime from head to toe! I wipe my face with a tissue and take off as much of it as I can.

Great, now I'll have to shower at 3 in the morning!


After getting cleaned, I stare at my reflection again.

My damp chocolate brown hair fall onto the small of my back. My eyes are the same colour as my hair. I always thought both my parents had chocolate brown eyes, I didn't get to see them though.
The cold shower has put colour to my normally pale skin.

I get dressed and go back to the dorm room. I'm a 'D' here in college. The letter indicates my social standing in the campus, it also means I have to share my dorm room with 3 other girls. Iris, Rebecca and julie.

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