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Keith's POV:

"Lance, come in here please!" It's a Tuesday morning, the kids are about to go to school, I hand my husband our 3 older kids lunches. Kissing him quickly I run upstairs, while he waits for the kids.

"Kieran, Lacy, Clarence!" They run out of their bedrooms with their clothes on and backpacks. Kissing each of their heads they go down the stairs.

"Axel, Micki changing time!" After changing and bringing them downstairs I put Axel in a swing and let Micki watch television, while I get the mail from yesterday. In it a letter from a girl named Abigail.

Reading the letter I look to Axel and kiss his forehead. She wanted to make sure he was safe and happy. In the letter it talked about her ex is chasing her down and if you find any missing posters tear them down.

Today was a lazy day the family was gonna come over to celebrate Axels adoption alittle late but all that's been going on it has to be now.

We'll have Lance's family, My brother and his family, Pidge and Erin, Hunk and his family, Althea boyfriend, Akemi's boyfriend and friend, and more coming to this small house tonight.

Lance is picking the kids up early from school, to be home before everyone gets here. The news paper articles of the hit and run on my niece is scattered around our table. They never found the man who hit them, the police thinks it was meant to happen.

"Chase is on the case!" The television roars, then the phone rings, answering it almost automatically,

"Keith McClain here, how may I help you"
"Keithy boy I missed you, did you like what I did to your niece?"
"Dad, why the fuck!"
"Your the reason your mom died, now why don't I take what matters most to you."
Muffling in the background until another almost recognizable voice comes on,
"Hi little boy, hoped you missed me."

I hung up, and ran to get my kids, shielding them inside my chest, I took them down to our basement, also the safe room.

Calling my brother before Lance,
"Dad called."
"I'm coming over right now!"
"The kids whose home are in the safe room with me."
"I'm coming to get you guys your staying at my house."

Talking to Lance he drives the kids who are in his car to Shiro's and heads home to grab our clothes. I packed the stuff for us and I brought the babies and puppies up to my husband and he put them in our car.

Writing a text to Abigail telling her I got her message and I'll show her pictures of her son, knowing she's in a good place. I lock the door behind me and we go the most direct route to Shiros. Going into the house we call off the party.

Althea, Ryuu and Akemi get home soon after we got home and the house is under lock down. Everyone who knows us is under lock down. Now we know that someone is out for our family life is gonna be more hellish.

Althea's POV:

"Uncle Keith?" I ask, "ya las?" "Was grandmother a good person?" "A very good." I head up to my room with my cousins in toe, I am gonna FaceTime Ryien, and talk to him.

Lacy crawls up on my lap and Clarence sits on my bed, as I FaceTime Ryien, I Dutch braid my cousin's hair.

Lacy talks to Ryien and so does Clarence, Ryuu is hanging out with Kieran, and Akemi is watching the little kids.

"What color flowers do you want?" I ask Lacy, "Yellow!" She screams, I lift her up off my lap she doesn't notice because she's talking with Ryien.

Opening the shelf I get my yellow flowers and put it in her braids. "Ryien doesn't she look beautiful?" I ask my boyfriend, "of course!"

We talk to my boyfriend for an hour and a half until he had to go to practice. From downstairs, we hear a loud boom and a bunch of laughing. I put my cousin on my bed and tell them to wait there and then I go downstairs.

To see my dad and uncle Keith drunk on the ground rolling around. They're so wasted.

Mom and Lance just are holding their beers with their high tolerance.

I go upstairs to hang out with my cousins again.

Chilling for a while, we wait until dinner to go downstairs. Since we went down to go eat Lance and Mom are serving food and dad and Keith are laying on the coach passed out.

After dinner we head upstairs again to get the little ones ready for bed. We have a room for the little kids to sleep in when they visit.

I'm posting on my Instagram a pretty selfie of my cousin and I, listening to Twenty One Pilots I spend time in my room. Humming along to the songs. I change into pajamas and I lay down on my bed and enjoy myself for the next 4 hours before falling asleep.

Keith's POV:

After waking up with a hellish headache  I get up to see my brother and I spooning. Lance and Allura took photos of us. "MY KIDS" I scream while rolling off the couch bringing brother with me to the group, snapping him awake. "Althea, Akemi, and Ryuu took care of it hun." Lance told me. 

Lance picks me up in his arms and carries me up to our bed also known as my old bedroom . I'm little spoon he rubs circles in my back and plays with his hair. Falling asleep in my husbands arms my hangover is gonna improve soon.

In my dreams my life literally flashed in front of my life my childhood, meeting Lance, having that sleepover 8 months after our friendships, when he proposed, when he cradled me in his arm after we got married, having our kids, and everything that we went through to this point .

Author's Note

I usually dislike writing one one of these but I feel like this is needed, I really like all the comments on both of these stories they're keeping me inspired to write and please you guys. Im really grateful for everyone of you guys. Sometimes i sacrifice quality for having a chapter out on Thursdays, so I apologize on that. Thanks for you all for reading and taking your day out to read my stories xoxo -Erin


Okay, chapter two got deleted, and now on I'll be copying the story into my notes. But no chapter this week it'd be chapter two rewritten apologies.

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