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Althea's POV:

Overtime, our lives flew back into a regular pace, Kieran had his birthday, I got closer to Ryien, and we all visited Akemi. Life fell back to a pattern.

School sucks, I'm 'popular' but who gives a fuck, I gained a lot of popularity through my sister and to add to it some people gave me more attention because of the accident. But it sucks, I am not like the person like I was, I am not what they force me to be.

School starts soon, so I change into my outfit, a black shirt well fitted shirt that has print on the front saying "born this way" and black skinny ripped jeans, and combat boots.

8th grade is bloody hell, i walk down the main hallway, and up he stairs almost getting trampled by the sixth grader. Ryien is behind me and we are just talking about stupid stuff. Once we reach the staircase the sixth graders are gone into the sixth grade hallway. When we reach the upstairs it's the 8th grade hallway. And then the 8th is connected to that.

Ryien has to go to his locker and mine is farther down the hall, he gives me a simple way and leaves to his locker.

"Althea!" I hear a voice I hear on a daily basis "Nyla what do you want?" "I want you to leave Ryien alone he's mine." She growls, I'm starting to get aggravated. "He isn't an object, that you can own." "Cut the shit Althea you're using him to piss the girls off!" "Why don't you shut up and leave me alone?"

Closing my locker with my binders in my arms, I flip her off and walk down the hall. I catch up with my friends Kiki and Lola."

Sitting down in homeroom for 45 minutes I pull out my sketch book, I used to design my sisters clothes and she'd sew them and now since the accident she's behind.

Liam and Issak run into the classroom, "excuse me why are you two high schoolers in a middle school?" "We need to get Althea, she wouldn't be here the rest of the week." I stand up and wave goodbye to Kiki and Lola, I don't know why I'm leaving.

"Uncle Keith why are you here" I say after getting my backpack and walking out of the school. "Hop in the car." We take off driving which ends us up at the hospital. Akemi! Sprinting through the doors I run to her room that over the 2 months I grew familiar with.

When I arrive to the room I see my sister sitting upright smiling at me. Flinging myself and at her and attracting like a leach I cry into her chest. "Let it out babe" she tells me.

Crying and crying, until I fell asleep arms wrapped around my sister, everything seemed to get better the second I fell asleep. Like the dart decided to go back in time and fix things.

The weight
Of a simple human emotion
Weighs me down
More than the tank ever did

The pain
It's determined and demanding
To ache, but I'm OK

And I don't wanna let this go
I don't wanna lose control
I just wanna see the stars with you

And I don't wanna say goodbye
Someone tell me why
I just wanna see the stars with you

You lost
A part of your existence
In the war against yourself

Oh, the lights,
They light up in lights of sadness
Telling you, it's time to go

And I don't wanna let this go
I don't wanna lose control
I just wanna see the stars with you

And I don't wanna say goodbye
Someone tell me why
I just wanna see the stars with you

Don't give it up just yet
Stay grand for one more minute,
Don't give it up just yet
Stay grand

Don't give it up just yet
Stay grand for one more minute,
Don't give it up just yet
Stay grand

Don't give it up just yet
Stay grand for one more minute,
Don't give it up just yet
Stay grand

And I don't wanna let this go
I don't wanna lose control
I just wanna see the stars with you

And I don't wanna say goodbye
Someone tell me why
I just wanna see the stars with you

With you

My sister, is the light of my world she got me to this point my family are the stars in my galaxy we call my moms and my sister is the planet I live on. Life gets so fucking sucky at periods of time, you get the emotional drive to die, but if you look back all your problems can be solved.

I regret letting my sister leave the party, but what if I didn't something worse would happen, you can fuck with fate because fates going to fuck with you after.

So as I ponder on my sisters chest I look back at every moment that led up to this small segment of my life, what I could change and if that change happened what would happen? If I wasn't born, my sister would be dressing my brother up as her doll, if I wasn't in this family, I'd never meet the amazing children my uncle Keith and Lance have.

I know that I deserve love, because no matter how fucked things get I know. I am not scared of the future and I wouldn't fail. Life is sucky and ya.

"Althea.. wake up" I feel shaking on my arm, I look up to see my brother, my arms still wrapped around my sisters midsection. "Hi Ryuu!" Coming out of the dream I had life got better, my family is complete and we're going to celebrate togetherness. I'm glad to have my sister back to me and I hope I never leave her or she leaves me again.

"Why did the chicken cross the road?" "Why?" " to knock at the idiots house. Knock knock!" "Who's there" "the chicken" "HEY!" I scream while hitting my brothers arm.

Everything is just perfect.

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