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Rei could only stare at his headband. He traced the line that signified his betrayal. Zero had long since left him to grieve as she made plans elsewhere. With a new resolution, Rei abandoned his headband on the bench to join Zero, wherever she was. "Father," He heard her as he was walking through the halls. Following her voice, he entered the throne the room. "I appreciate all you have done for me. You've given me so much, even when I wasn't your legitimate child. Tomorrow night, I shall return to the leaf and deliver a much anticipated gift. I'll renounce the throne, so I won't cause any trouble between the leaf and the dark."

"My child, the throne is yours. I have no plans on marrying or having other children. Zero, wherever you may go or do is the path you've laid out for yourself. As you know, we children of the royal family never spent much time with our parents. It's so we can decided for ourselves the paths we want to be on without the influence of our parent's past. Whether you stay or go, all I ask is when I die, you'll ascend this throne." Leaving the family alone for the night, Rei retreated to his assigned bedroom. He laid on the very comfortable bed and thought of all the events that had happened throughout the day. Although it was unpleasant, he was extremely happy to have found about his clan.

After her very personal conversation with her adopted father, Zero made her way to Rei's chambers. As she peered into the dark room, she could see his silhouette on the bed. His light snoring filling quiet space. Smiling in peace, Zero quietly left and turned in for the night herself. The next morning, Daiki woke Zero up before the sun had completely rose. Quickly dressing, Zero followed her father outside the castle walls. Hidden behind a few bushes was a carriage, ready to take the King and the Princess wherever they desired. Taking the reigns, Daiki hauled them away from the castle. The journey hardly needed a carriage as it was only a short distance, but the comfort it provided was much appreciated to Zero. Around the castle, towards the back, deep within the woods, lied an entrance way to an underground storage facility. "I wasn't going to show you this until your coming-of-age ceremony, but I believe now would be the best time." Daiki smiled as he escorted his daughter through the gates of the storage. As they ascended down the stairs, the lanterns placed on the walls began to glow to light their path. As they reached the bottom, they were greeted with another gate. Unlocking it, Daiki allowed his daughter to step in first. Following in pursuit, Daiki searched the shelves for a particular box.

"What is this place?" Zero asked curiously as she eyed all the trinkets on the shelves.

"A hidden storage. For generations, the royal family has stored valuables and other objects here." Daiki answered as he grabbed the box he had been seeking. "Today, I brought you here to give you the Blood Sword. It's tradition for the current King to bestow this sword to the future heir on the day of their coming-of-age. I believe, you're worthy to wield this sword as it shall help you on your path. As I hate to admit it, I was never gifted in the art of the sword, however, watching you grow up, I've noticed you're more than capable of becoming a master swordsmen."

As soon as Rei woke up, he was being pushed and shoved throughout the day. It was unfamiliar to himself to be treated in such an extravagant way. Whatever he request, it was in his hands before he knew it. Noblemen of the kingdom were excited to meet him and asked him about his missions, particularly the ones with the Princess. As the day progressed, Rei soon realized that he wouldn't be spending much time with Zero as he only caught glimpses of her. "Rei," a nobleman of the Dark Kingdom called out. Bowing before the man, Rei allowed the man to continue. "We've all heard so many stories of the time you've spent with the princess. His royal highness also speaks so highly of you. Do you plan to pledge loyalty to the Princess as her knight soon? Or perhaps, a wedding proposal?" The man winked, which gained applause from the other nobles around.

"With no disrespect to the Princess, I am not in the position nor qualified to even dream of being wed to her. However, I've already pledged my life to her when we were children long ago." Rei answered.

The nobleman simply laughed at the boy's response. "Daiki, my old friend, prepare the the knight ceremony! Rei has agreed to pledge loyalty to our young Princess." The crowd clapped as loud as they possibly could as the announcement was made. Without delay, Rei was being pushed to the front room along with Zero. As the two appeared together, the crowd only seemed to get rowdier.

"What did you agree to, Rei?" Whispered Zero as she smiled and waved to the crowd before her.

"I don't know. What is this?" Rei smiled as he followed Zero's example.

"Well, since you abandoned the leaf, this won't matter, but you've officially joined the Dark Kingdom. This ceremony tells the people that you've given your life to me to do with as I please. I never wanted you to be tied to me in a way that obstructed your life in any way." Zero answered honestly.

Daiki joined the two children at the front and smiled at his subjects. "Despite being so young, her Royal Highness Princess Zero of the Dark Kingdom has received the Blood Sword and her first royal knight, Rei Hatake. May these two pave the path they shall choose." With the snap of his fingers, two maid dragged Rei off the stage. Within minutes, Rei was in a new outfit with a sword of his own adorn to his side. "Please kneel, Princess Zero." Doing as she was told, Zero kneeled before her father. "Please kneel, Rei Hatake." Following directions, Rei kneeled beside Zero. A maid gentle placed two empty cups before the children while another maid poured sake into the cups. Daiki walked behind the children, facing the crowd, while Itsuki took the place of the king. Pulling out the ceremonial knife, Itsuki cut the finger's of the children. Their bloods mixed in the sake, turning the sake into a blood red color. Raising their glasses, the crowd followed with their own glasses. The two children looked at each other before drinking the sake. "With this, Princess Zero and Rei Hatake are now forever linked by blood."

Standing up, Zero decided to make her speech earlier than she had planned. "As many know, I am adopted and have no honest right to the throne. However, I have proved myself worthy over the years to be able to stand here and be the Princess many of you adore. For years, the leaf has taken royal children to raise and implants their ideals upon us while the Kings and Queens just had to wish their child was alright. This past war, we've lost the previous King and Queen, which was unforgivable! Tonight, Rei and I will avenge those who lost their lives and put an end to having to send our children to serve peace between nations." The crowd cheered as they made a path towards to the door. As Zero strode forth, Rei followed, adjusting his new outfit along the way.

"While she may born an outsider, she truly has the heart of a true Dark kingdom subject." A villager stated as he left.

"She may have gotten that from her father, King Daiki." Another stated.

"It surprised me when you returned to the castle with a child 10-years-ago. What's even more surprising is that you've managed to raise her without so much as a complaint at the young age you were. She truly looks up to you, my lord." Itsuki smiled as he stared at the door the children disappeared from.

"My Princess, please take my steads. They're the fastest I own. They should deliver you to the leaf before daybreak tomorrow." One of the farmers states as he handed Rei over the two horses.

Ripping off an extravagant necklace from upon her neck, Zero hands the necklace over to the old man. "As thanks, please accept this." Climbing aboard a horse, Zero takes off towards the forest with Rei hot on her heels. As the old man had said, the horses managed to deliver the children to the leaf before daybreak. Dismounting the horses, Zero and Rei walked through the leaf village like normal. "I know I should've asked before, but what do you plan to do?" Rei asked skeptically as they walked to an unknown location.

"I wasn't planning on doing this till I turned 15 on the day of my coming-of-age party, but now is a good time as any." Making the necessary hand signs, explosions throughout the village began to detonate. Pulling Rei to safety, Zero stood tall on a building she knew she didn't touch. The sounds of explosions and the villagers screaming woke up Hiruzen in a flash. Without so much as a delay, he was in armor and standing on the roof of the Hokage's tower, overlooking his village. As he searched through the ongoing explosions, he didn't miss seeing the two children who weren't supposed to be in the village. Flames and debris danced around the couple as if they were deliberately trying to attack everything, but them. "Come, Blood Sword!" The Blood sword appeared before Zero and she grasped it tightly, seemingly ready for anyone to come for her head. Even though he was scared, Rei felt the need to draw his sword and protect the younger girl in front of him. Doing as his instincts told him, Rei stood protectively in front of Zero with his sword drawn.

Meanwhile Hiruzen finally understood the feelings he felt 5 years ago. He finally knew the terrifying force the children displayed together.

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