Princess Zero

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~ 5 years later ~ -Zero's POV-

Arising from my bed, a maid was already in my bedroom to attend to my dressing needs. "Good morning, Princess Zero!" Her fake smiled unfazed me as she greeted me and started dressing me for the day. As I was dressed, I left her behind and rushed to the throne room. Upon entering, I saw a boy, who looked to be 10, in the room with my father already. They spotted me the instant I entered the room. Ignoring their stares, I walked to my seat, the Queen's chair.

"Dark King Daiki, as per your request, I am here to retrieve Princess Zero and bring her to the leaf village." The boy stated before my father and I. I couldn't say I was surprised as going to the leaf was a custom for the dark kingdom.

"And who are you?" I asked, well more like stated.

"Pardon my rudeness, Princess Zero, I am Rei Hatake." He bowed deeply. It was obvious he was part of the ANBU's I heard so much about and despite his age, I could tell he was strong. Hatake, I heard that name before.

"Your father is Kakashi of the sharingan?" I asked curiously.

"Yes, your highness." He responded, not missing a beat.

Jumping off my throne, I approached the boy. He kept his head down low, avoiding me as I approached him. Grabbing his face, I looked straight into his golden eyes. "No, you're adopted like me." Releasing him, he stumbled back from the force, but never lost his balance. "We leave immediately. Father, don't destroy this kingdom in my absence or I'll kill you." I stated cooly, walking away from the throne room before anyone could say differently. Speed walking down the halls, I pushed the castle doors open, revealing the bright outside world.

"Your highness, are you sure you want to leave so suddenly? You haven't even packed previsions." Rei stated, his fake concern laced in his voice.

Stopping in my tracks, I turned to face the boy. He gulped deeply as he bowed his head before me. "Rei, stop voicing your fake concern. From here on out, I am a normal ninja like you. Respect is earned, not given. Treat me as you would anyone else." This seemed to struck a cord within him. He lost his polite demeanor quickly. His straight posture relaxed and he seemed to be more like himself.

"You're not like other royals I've met before. You're different, Zero-chan." Rei smiled aloofly. "So, where are you staying in the leaf? You haven't brought anything with you, will you be okay?"

"In the Dark Kingdom, it's a custom to send the next heir to the leaf village to study under the ANBU black ops till it's time to ascend the throne. Due to this custom, there's a small manor in the leaf dedicated to the royal family. I had some necessities delivered beforehand." I explained.

"Say, Zero-chan, you said you were also adopted, did your parent's not want you either?" I had to admit his question surprised me. I glanced at his face. His eyes were longing and he seemed hurt and sad.

"No, my father, Daiki killed them the day I was born." This had Rei stop in his tracked completely.

"WHAT! And you still consider Lord Daiki your father? Do you not hate him?" Rei shouted, confusion plastered on his face.

Facing Rei, I smiled. "I admit that when I first heard about it, I was unhappy. He had killed my parents, but even as I lashed out, he still loved me unconditionally. Every mean word I said to him, he still cared and supported me. I have no right to the throne, I am not even his blood, yet he made me his successor. Even if he killed my parents, he's still my dad." Grabbing Rei's hand, I started running towards the leaf. "Come on, we're wasting daylight."

-Kakashi POV-

I had finally returned home from a long 2 week mission. Entering my small house, I noticed Rei wasn't home. "He must be on a mission." I muttered lowly. Sighing, I decided to take a shower. Feeling refreshed after my long shower, I laid on my bed and started to relax as I read my book. I was half asleep when I started to hear giggling and voices inside my house. Cracking open an eye, I eyed the clock. It was 2:56 am. Getting up from my comfy bed, I walked out of my bedroom and into the living room to see a little girl sitting comfortably on the couch. She spotted me immediately, but seemed unfazed to see me. She simply ignored me as she picked up her teacup to take a sip of its contents. I couldn't place my finger on it, but I could've sworn I've seen her somewhere.

"Hey, Zero-chan, do you mind wearing one of my shirts for now?" I heard Rei shout from his bedroom.

"I don't mind." The girl, I presume is Zero, responded. Her response was hardly a shout, yet it seemed to project throughout the whole house. It wasn't long till Rei returned to the living room himself. He hadn't noticed me as he passed me to hand Zero his shirt. "Say, Rei, would you protect me?" She suddenly asked my son, her eyes meeting mine. It was then when it struck me as to who she was.

"With my life, of course. Why?" Rei didn't even hesitate as he answered this girl. This greatly surprised me. Who was she that my 10-year-old son would protect her with his life.

She picked up her glass once again and took a sip before answering my son's question. "Is he a threat?" She gestured to me. Before he could even turn to face me, he blocked her smaller body with his own in a defensive position. As he finally met my eyes, he relaxed his position and retracted his kunai.

"No, that's my father." Rei stated. "Dad, this is Her Royal Highness, Princess Zero of the Dark Kingdom." As the words left his mouth, my body went rigged. There was no doubt in my mind as to who she was. She was Nanami's and Ryo's child that went missing the night of Ryo's mission. Everyone had presumed the child died when Nanami was kidnapped. Despite that, in front of a royal, my son was acting rudely, as was I. Extending my hand to grab Rei to discipline him. He was suddenly moved to the joint kitchen with Zero beside him. She had moved him too quickly before I could even come close to touching him.

"This boy is under my royal care. I will not allow you to touch him." Zero proclaimed.

Bowing down lowly, I responded, "Pardon my rudeness, Princess Zero. I was only going to have my son show respect. He should know better than to address you as such."

"Rei is only acting as himself on my behalf. He's not breaking any rules and he's also my captain as I am officially joining the ANBU ranks tomorrow." Zero explained. "Now then, I suggest you head back to bed, Hatake."

"Yes, your highness." I stupidly obeyed, returning to my bedroom.

-3rd POV-

As Kakashi left the two alone, Rei sighed deeply. "Man, I am SO in trouble."

"Which reminds me, you're young to be an ANBU captain. Are you really that strong?" Zero asked, taking the shirt that was loosely being held by Rei.

"No, I am hardly strong. I just have a unique kekkei genkai that allows me to have complete control over someone's mind." Rei answered. "It's weird, my eyes will glow and after I kiss them, they'll obey every word I say for the rest of their lives."

"Interesting..." Zero muttered, "Show me where we can sleep. We have a big day tomorrow, right?"

The next morning, Zero was slightly surprised as to the room she was currently occupying. She had completely forgotten she had left the castle to embark on her quest to become Queen. "Good morning, Zero-chan." Rei smiled as he entered his own bedroom. "I washed your clothes last night and I prepared breakfast for you. I can show you to the Hokage's tower after you're finished." As promised, as soon as Zero was ready, Rei escorted the young princess to the Hokage's office.

"Welcome to the Leaf Village, Princess Zero." Hiruzen bowed deeply before the 5-year-old. "I trust Rei was respectful towards you as you traveled so far?"

Smirking, Zero stood proudly next to Rei, "Yes, he was an excellent host, even when I intruded on his home and personal life last night."

"Yes, I do apologize for not being of service to you last night. However, I personally ensured you'd have anything and everything needed for your stay with us. I'll happily have someone escort you to the manor, if you want."

Smiling, Zero linked arms with Rei. "That's quite alright. I know where it is, plus it's been a delight with Rei showing me around." Although it came to a shock, Hiruzen was quick to recover. He never would've imagined that the Dark Kingdom's Princess would take a liking to one of his subordinates so quickly. Seeing the two children together before gave him an anxious feeling, however he could do nothing to disrupt the peace between the leaf and the Dark Kingdom. Ignoring the anxiousness, he handed the young princess the key to her manor. As he watched the children leave his office, it felt as fear paralyzed him.

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