Thus a Princess was born

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-3rd POV-

Somewhere hidden in the woods, a woman was secretly giving birth to her only child. "Ryo..." She whimpered out. "She's not coming out...I need a c-section..." Ryo, the father who was currently on the lookout, went over to his wife. He held on to his wife's hand. Ryo was on a mission to eliminate the current King of the Dark Kingdom due to complications they had with the Hidden Leaf village. When the King caught wind of the assassination attempt, he had some henchmen kidnap his wife, Nanami. Despite his lack of sympathy towards others, he always had a soft spot for children. He could never cause harm to a child, so when he saw the pregnant woman in the dungeon, he had her moved to a proper room. Ryo caught wind of his wife's kidnapping and snuck inside the castle. It was no easy feat, but he managed to carry her out of the castle. The stress of the kidnapping and the rush to get home was all too much for Nanami. She was forced into a stress induced early labor.

"Nanami..." Ryo cursed under his breath. "Hold on, Nanami, I'll get you home. I'll get you both home." Ryo smiled as he picked up his wife bridal style. Running as fast as he could, Ryo tried his hardest to get his wife home in mere hours, even though they were days away.

"Oh my, your wife seems to be in a lot of pain there, Ryo-kun." The dark King sang as he ran besides Ryo, a devious smirk upon his lips.

"Daiki!" Ryo shouted as he tried to run faster, away from the King.

"You're not going to make it to your village in time, Ryo." Daiki stated, appearing in front of the couple, causing them to stop in their tracks. Nanami screamed loudly as she arched forward in Ryo's arms. "I could care less what happens to you or your wife. However, I won't let your child die. Let me help." Stepping forward, Daiki extended his hand to signify as a helping hand.

"Never!" Nanami shouted. With some quick hand signs, she had teleported her and Ryo to another secluded part of the woods. "Ryo... You need to get this baby out. You need to get our daughter out and return her to the leaf." Forcing herself out from the safety of Ryo's arms, Nanami grabbed a kunai from his weapons pouch and handed him the sharp weapon. "Save our baby." Ryo could hardly believe the words coming out from his wife's mouth.

"I can't... I don't know how to deliver a baby!" Grabbing hold of his wife, Ryo laid down with her. He held her tightly, comforting her as she was in pain. "I am so sorry, Nanami. I got you caught up in this and now, I am about to lose you and our daughter." Daiki watched the couple from the shadows. Despite their efforts, the couple had yet to leave the compounds of his kingdom. For hours, Daiki watched the couple. Nanami was slowly losing her life. The strain of her unborn child was killing her. Deciding it was time to make himself known, Daiki appeared before the couple. Nanami was too weak to react, however, Ryo was up and in an defensive position before Daiki. Glaring at Ryo, Daiki kicked Ryo out of the way. Although Ryo blocked the kick, it was so powerful it pushed Ryo back several feet. Taking this chance, Daiki placed a small barrier around him and Nanami. Even in her weak state, Nanami tried to get up and move away from her enemy.

"You're as good as dead, Nanami." Daiki stated coldly. "It is not I who will be your killer though. Your unborn child will be the death of you." From behind the small barrier, Ryo could hear every word the two exchanged as he banged the wall of the barrier, trying to get in.

"I never thought, my child would be the one to kill me." Nanami cried, "However, I don't hate her. I could never hate my own child. Even when she's killing me to get out of my own body." Nanami hugged her swollen stomach as tightly as she possible could. Reaching behind her, she pulled out the kunai she had given to Ryo hours before. "Help me, Daiki. Take this child out of me before I kill her along with myself." Daiki reached forward and took the shiny object from her hands. "I love you, Ryo." She smiled at Ryo as Daiki bent down.

"This will hurt you to the point of death, Nanami." Daiki stated. He wasted no time in cutting open the woman before him. Her screams were deafening to everything around them. Though her screams were short lived. Daiki was well into her stomach when the woman had ultimately died. Behind the barrier, Ryo could do nothing, but watch as his wife died and how the enemy was in there with his unborn child. Ignoring the string of curses coming from Ryo, Daiki dug through the woman's stomach and pulled out the infant. The child was small in the king's hands. Reusing the kunai, Daiki cut the umbilical cord. Spanking the child's bottom, the bloody child cried as loudly as it possibly could. Despite the situation, Ryo could only cry tears of joy as he spotted his child, alive. Ripping his cape off his back, Daiki wrapped the child in it. Releasing the barrier, Daiki faced Ryo once again.

"Give me my baby girl, Daiki." Ryo stated seriously. Unbeknownst to Ryo, Daiki had grown attached to the child he had in his arms. Of course, he'd never admit that to anyone.

"Ryo, my old friend, before I ascended my throne to the Dark Kingdom, we used to be inseparable. Now that the leaf and I are at against, you've come for my head." Daiki tightened his grip on the kunai he was holding. "I don't know why you accepted this mission, but I do know, this mission was the death of you." With that said, Daiki ran forth and plunged the kunai deep in Ryo's stomach. The speed Daiki displayed was like nothing Ryo had ever seen. He barely saw Daiki move until it was too late.

Grabbing his stab wound, Ryo coughed up blood before falling to the ground. "I accepted this mission because you were my friend. Had someone else come and died, I would've felt guilty." Ryo wheezed out. "Even now, I feel guilty. I never thought I'd have died. Take care of her..."

Dropping the kunai to the ground, Daiki left the scene and rushed back to his castle. The journey was short, but felt like an eternity to Daiki. He felt the urgent need to get back to the confines that protected him. Upon entering, guards were already following the young King as he frantically moved throughout the castle walls. "My Lord, is that?" Itsuki, the butler, questioned, "A baby?"

"Fetch a wet-nurse, quickly!" Daiki shouted as he reached his throne room. There were two thrones, each playing a role in his kingdom: the King's and Queen's chair. As he was unwed, there was no Queen to sit in the throne beside him. Taking his place in his King's chair, it wasn't long before a middle-aged women was before him. "You called, my lord?" Her voice was shaky as she spoke, scared she had done something wrong. Daiki rose from his throne, his posture was extremely intimidating for the middle-aged woman.

"What's your name, woman?" Daiki asked as he stared down at the woman.

"I am Kyoko, my lord." Kyoko answered hastily.

"Kyoko, you're hereby to work in the castle as Princess Zero's wet-nurse." Daiki announced as he gently handed Kyoko the infant that was in his arms. "Itsuki, show this woman to the nursery. Oh and set up a room for the young princess.

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