At first, for a split second, Jace seemed surprised by her action; but that emotion barely lasted. As she started kissing him with need and urgency, wrapping her arms around his neck to have a better access to his lips, Jace made her walk backwards until her back met a wall. And when it did, all Clary could do was cling even more unto Jace, bringing him even closer to her as she was starting to feel against her stomach his desire growing for her.

When she felt him hard against her, she couldn't help the moan that escaped her mouth, which didn't go unnoticed by Jace. He kissed her with even more ardour, his fingers trying to find their way in her hair. Without any sort of control over herself, Clary grazed her fingers until they lost themselves in Jace's own golden hair and fisted the silky texture once she had a firm grip over it.

After she released yet another moan, a little louder than the previous one, Jace's hands left her head to caress her body all the way down to her waist where he firmly took a hold of her all the while leading them to his room across the hall.

And no matter how much her mind was trying to tell her that she should stop everything right now, that she should get a grip over herself and break their embrace, Clary couldn't help but anticipate what was to come. She wanted to know that the memories that she cherished in the dark of the night, the memories that helped her during some lonely nights, the memories that made her crave for more; if those memories were well-founded or if she had fantasised over nothing.

But once the door of his hotel room clacked behind them, it was as if a cold bucket of ice had been thrown over her face. She froze, realising that she was really about to willingly go in the bed of a married man. This was not some fantasy that she conjured to release herself from some urges, this was reality.

It seemed that the same iced bucket had hit Jace, for he had frozen himself and was now looking at her with a weird expression gleaming in his tawny eyes. None of them broke contact, both holding each other's gaze until he finally spoke:

"That's twice I am taking you to my room, against all reasons."

There was no condemnation toward her in his voice, he was just stating a fact, but Clary couldn't help but feel like this was something that he shouldn't have said. it seemed to have broken the mood, and her out of her reverie where she deluded herself into thinking that she could have sex with Jace once again when he was, in fact, a married man.

She hung her head down, and stated what she should have said from the beginning: "I should go."

She started walking back to the door when Jace's voice stopped with the words she least expected in the world: "You're not a home wrecker." She turned to look at him with disbelief, her eyes speaking the obvious words that she didn't need to say. "That's what I wanted to tell you in the plane. You are not a home wrecker."

"Sure," Is all Clary found to say for she couldn't be surer of anything else at the moment. After all, she was in the hotel bedroom of a married man, and she had been on the verge to have sex with him for a second time.

"I am divorcing my wife," Jace suddenly said when she reached for the handle of the door, and Clary remained completely silent about that. She did not show any emotions on her face, or in her stature, keeping to herself the humourless laugh that wanted to escape her lips.

Of course that he would try to feed her this lie. 'I am divorcing my wife' was probably the most famous catchphrase of cheating husbands. It was a lie so simple and so easy to feed to someone because everyone knew that divorces could last for months and even years for some extreme cases. But still, she felt a little insulted in her ego that Jace would think that she was so gullible that to believe this lie.

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