Game night (Ethan Dolan)

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I walked down the basement stairs entering the purple lit room.
Ethan was sitting on the long black leather couch. He has his headset on so he could hear the other players. He was so into the game he didn't even notice I walked into the room.
"Hey baby," I smiled sitting behind him, there being enough room for me because he was leaning so far forwards.
"Hi babe," he responded turning his neck to look at me and smile.
I pecked his soft pink plump lips.
"How many wins do you have?," I asked making me sound more interested in the game.
I feel like it makes him happy when I act like I'm intrigued in what he does. I mean I am don't get me wrong just video games aren't my thing. Like I don't see the point in them. You just run around shooting each other and finding guns and treasure chests.
"None because of these dumbasses," he said with a higher toned voice, referring back to Grayson, Aaron and jack who he's playing squads with. 
"Awe I'm pretty sure your doing just fine, it's not that hard to shoot people," I say rolling my eyes, slowly leaning back till my back touched the couch.
"Oh really?," he questioned putting his controller on the couch then turning around so he could fully see me.
"Yeah I mean you just run around shoot people, build things and find treasure. Can't be that hard," I sarcastically say laughing at the face he's making.
His mouth is partly open while he's eyes are wide.
"Bet," he said as if he were challenging me.
He turned back around speaking into his headset.
"Guys I'm gonna go and play solos because y/n here thinks it's easy to get a dub. Boy am I gonna prove her wrong," he laughed turning off his headset and exiting the game.
"So baby. You think it's easy to play, wait until you die within the first 30 seconds," he smiled at me handing me the controller while the game loaded.
"Oh it's on," I declared scotching forward.
Ethan sat on the couch with his legs spread apart. I looked back and moved in between his legs laying my back into he rock hard chest.
"Your gonna do so bad," he said under his breath.
"Hey!," I yell hitting the side of his face lightly, he just laughed and pointed to the tv because the game had started.
"Wait where do I land?," I asked already so confused.
"Go to tilted towers, it's pretty lit," he said taking the controller and making it so I landed on this roof.
"Now run to that gun and get it or your screwed," he pointed his finger to a black gun with a blue lit lining around it.
I ran over to it pressing the x button to pick it up.
"It's probably not the best choice to stand on a roof and do absolutely nothing," he chuckled running his fingers through my long dark hair.
"Well where do I go or do?," I asked still being very confused.
"Take out your ax thing and smash through the roof," he said showing me how to. Next thing I now I fall through the food and landed on a set of stairs.
"Oooo you hear that noise?," he asked as a pixie dust noice was playing.
"Yeah what about it?," I questioned not understanding what the big deal was.
"That means there a treasure box near by," I sat there not knowing what to do.
"Well go and find it," he laughed shaking his head.
"Ugh y/n your so clueless," he laughed again, rubbing his thumb up and down my arm.
"Shhhh I'm playing a game," I said in a mimicking voice. That's something he would sometimes say to me when he was playing.
"Don't mock me," he sternly said, moving the hair off my neck and kissing it lightly.
I giggled and scrunched my neck till my ear touched my shoulder, "E stop that tickles".
"Sorry," he chuckled knowing I'm ticklish on my neck.
"Oh I found it!," I yelled excitement filling my body. Ethan jumped at my sudden outburst. He just laughed and went back to watching me play.
I click and held down the x so I could see the items in the treasure box. I then hear the banging sound you would hear when someone was braking through the roof.
"Oh shit you better run or get ready to shoot," Ethan said sitting both of us up a little.
"Why?," I was confused until someone started shooting me.
"Shit!," I yell getting a little scared.
I just continually shoot at the person.
"I swear if you don't kill-" Ethan was cut off by me getting shot and killed.
"Ugh," I sigh in frustration and hit the couch with my fist, accidentally hitting Ethan's leg.
"Ow," he chuckled grabbing the remote and stating a new game for me.
——5 matches later——
"Babe!," Ethan yelled putting his hands on him head.
"You literally had an advantage at killing him and still missed," he sighed at the end dropping him hands onto my shoulders.
"No I was kinda close," I beamed.
"What! You missed very shot," Ethan exclaimed.
"You are really bad," he said as I turned around and glared at him.
He put his hands up in defense looking away from me. I just giggled and continue the game.
I was doing really good until I heard Ethan start laughing.
"What?," he just continues to laugh.
"What!," I raise my voice a little. Ethan just looked at me and then back to the tv not saying anything.
I turn back around to the tv and see this blue light with white lines go over me in the game.
"Ethan!," I yell
"You let me get eaten by the storm," I sigh.
"The one game I was actually doing good in and you let me get killed by the damn storm," I look down to the floor and then back to him.
"You little ass," I laugh smacking his head, not to hard but hard enough that he felt it.
"Hey!," he yelled in defense.
"Maybe if you payed attention and knew what you were doing that wouldn't have happened," he argued.
"But your supposed to help me," I say with a sad voice looking back to the tv playing yet again another game.
I feel Ethan kiss my head, "sorry," he said with his bottom lip puckered out.
I just scoffed, "no your not,".
I was five minutes into the game when I heard someone els enter the same house as me.
"Baby kill him," Ethan spoke through his teeth.
I took out my good gun turning a corner, seeing someone. I immediately start shooting. I killed the guy after like ten shots being fired.
"Yes,!" I yell shooting up off the couch.
"Finally," Ethan laughed.
"Now sit back down before you die," he said pointing to where I was sitting.
"Oh right I'm still playing," I giggled sitting against Ethan's chest again.
It was down to the final 3. I will admit I had Ethan help me get this far long but I was still pretty proud of myself.
"C'mon princess you got this," he said with his head rested on my shoulder.
I was running the opposite direction of the storm until I saw someone and started shooting. It felt like we were shooting for five minutes straight until he finally killed me.
"Fuck!," I yelled throwing the x-box controller into the couch.
I sat back with my lips pushed out and my arms crossed.
"I was so close," I whined a little, looking up the Ethan.
"I know baby," he said and kissed my lips lightly.
I looked at my phone seeing it was 2:39am.
"Shit it's late, we better get to bed," I said while a yawn left my mouth.
I stoop up while my arms lifted up and I stretched them out.
I screamed at the sudden movement of my body being picked up and thrown over Ethan's shoulders.
"Shhhh babe gray is asleep," he whispered while a chuckle left his mouth.
"Sorry gray," I whispered even tho he can't hear me.
We entered Ethan's room and he through me on his bed, startling my waist.
"Your cute," he whispered looking in my eyes.
A light pink blush creeped onto my face while my lips curved into a big smile.
"I love you," I said kissing his warm plum lips.
He broke the kiss getting off of me and sliding off his shirt and shorts.
"Ooo yes take it all off," I laughed while he just threw his shirt at me.
"Shush," he mumbled.
"Ow," I giggled tossing the black t-shirt onto the floor.
I got under the comforter making myself comfortable while Ethan got under the covers,  on the other side of the bed.
I felt his arm wrap around my waist as he pulled me closer.
I felt a light kiss on my head, "goodnight baby,"    He whispered in my ear while my body slowly fell into a deep sleep.

Hope you enjoyed ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2018 ⏰

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