Bubble gum (Grayson Dolan)

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I had just walked into my first period class, sitting behind Grayson . The most fuckboy any fuckboy could ever get. I sit in the seat right in front of him, sadly. He's always throwing paper at me with VERY inappropriate things written on them, chewing him gum obnoxiously, pretty much anything you could think of just to annoy me. 

"Hey princess" he whispered in my ear wrapping his arms around me from behind my chair.

"Fuck off asshole" I whisper back ripping his nasty ass hands off me, cause like honestly he probably used those hands/fingers to finger every girl in this school. Chills ran down my back just thinking of that.

"Y/N !!!" Mrs. Kelly yells at me.

"Yes" I quietly reply looking up at her.

"Why are you talking during my lesson ?", she ask crossing her arms giving me a glare.

" Why are you teaching during my conversation?" I mumble, her still somehow hearing me.

"detention!!!!!!" She scream at me while all the kids laugh. I roll my eyes getting a pace of bubble gum out of my bad. 

"Give" I here him whisper in my ear, fanning his warm breath on my neck.

"Sorry babe all out" I whisper smirking at him, he glares at me sitting back in his seat.

 I finish my class without him bothering me and acutely getting work done.


I was walking to my locker after first period, about to open my locker before I was turned around and roughly pushed up agents my locker. I squint my eyes, before slowly opening them and seeing Grayson looking at me with a flustered face.

"I am going to get a pace of gum" he whispers dangerously close to my face.

"Oh yeah? Ho-" I was cut off by his lips meeting mine, his tongue passing my lips. His tongue curved around my peace of gum, grabbing it and putting it in his mouth. He moved away slightly smiling at me.

"Thanks princess, for the bubble gum".


Welly yeah. This was my shitty ass image. Hoped you enjoyed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~Abby :) :) :) :)

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