Pranks (Grayson Dolan)

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So a week ago gray thought it would be funny to pretend to get a booty pic from someone. I didn't think it was funny. So I decided to get him back. I also decided to record it and put it on his channel for this weeks video.

After eating Grayson got into the shower. Now my master plan is to keep putting shampoo in his hair as he showed so he would think that it was never coming out. I got his camera out and started recording.
"So hey guys. Now I know your probably like the what this isn't like there normal vids. But as you saw last week Grayson did a prank on me, he thought it was funny....... I didn't"
I cough looking at the bathroom door before continuing, "so iam going to get him back. Iam got to do that shampoo prank. It's basically where you just keep putting shampoo in someone's hair. It usually drives them crazy so I mean this should be fun"
"There is like a stool already in there so it's perfect for this"
I turn towards the bathroom and see that the door is already slightly open,"okay let's go"

I walk in and as quickly and quietly as possible I get the shampoo and stand on the stool. I point the camera waist high so he won't be like exposed or anything.
He stats rinsing out what he had in his hair already, I pour more on, he rinses that and I put more on. After about two minutes he looks up and sees me.
"BABE!!STOP" he yells Turing back around and trying rinse out what I put in his hair.
"Hiiiii" I say waving at him
"I hate you so much" he said flipping m off.
"HEY! I got you on camera doing that" I yell throwing the shampoo bottle in the shower with him. It purposely hitting his foot.
"I hope you know everyone can see your winer" I say even tho you really can't .
"Stopppp" he wines dragging out the "p".
"Okay, okay iam sorry" I said letting him rinse out the rest of the soap.
"Iam done"he said stepping out in just a towel.
"Here do the Outreau sense it's going on your channa" I say handing him the camera.
"Alright"he said putting up the peace sign, but before he could say peace Ethan came running in jumping on grays back and yelling peace with him.

Alright I hoped you guys enjoyed, I couldn't really come up with anything better so here's this. Yeah shitty I know, but HEY at least it's something. Okay iam done......... bbbbbbyyyyyyeeeeee


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