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Published  7/24/18

•welcome to the machine•
pink floyd


Finnigan Spinx had needed a leader.

Someone young, but mature years beyond their age. Someone with a dangerous skill set- someone that would in fact lead his slowly coming together team of assets to victory.

Luckily, he had kept his eye on one boy in particular, who seemed incredibly fitting for the job, for many months now- ever since the boy had left CLOVER.

Lee Warren.

Trained killer. The ultimate teenage assassin trained by CLOVER's highly deadly task force- The High Flyers. Everyone on the dark side knew about the boy- he had over two-hundred kills in his short life span of eight-teen years.

He was ruthless and deadly and killed with no mercy. Training by CLOVER since age seven had left the boy almost superhuman. He was fast and precise in every aspect. Enhanced durablity, reflexes, and strength- thanks to intense and omnipresent training as well as multiple different drug cocktails via the many scientists the worked at CLOVER in order to create stronger and faster soldiers.

The boy was a special asset however. Better then the other trained people his age. The assassin's wicked quick reflexes and incredibly accurate aim and eye sight had left him an amazing sharp shooter and knife thrower- he never missed a shot.

CLOVER had given him his code name- X, as proof to his skills.

Lee Warren had been an orphan- his parents perishing in a house fire when he was just four years of age. CLOVER had found the boy only a month afterwords. Too young to truly understand what was happening to him, the boy was taken into a sort of nursery where he was taught and prepared for his training, as well as gaven his first doses of enhancer drugs. At age seven, he began training- hours upon hours. When the boy didn't train he went to CLOVER's schooling classes where he learned over thirty different languages and all the skills a High Flyer needed in the force.

X was prepared for his first mission just before he turned thirteen.

A mission that required him to kill.

Of course, having grown up with such violence, it was nothing to the young boy to take some random's life. It was like a game.

But on the day after his 18th birthday, with little to no prior signs of recklessness, X went AWOL.

Somewhere along the lines, it appeared that the boy had grown morals- though it baffled CLOVER.

Spinx didn't know why Warren had left, and he didn't plan to ask. He did know, however, that CLOVER had put a pretty price over the teenager's head. They wanted and needed him back. Their program had been very much weakened when the boy had escaped. Spinx had used this fact to his advantage when recruiting Warren.


X let himself settle onto the bench he sitting on. He had to admit- as strange a man as Spinx was- he had terrific living quarters. The garden where the boy was currently sitting was almost two acres in it's entirety- filled with fruit trees and vines and what not.

The man's house was huge- a white Victorian style mansion with many wings and rooms. It was the perfect place really- 20 miles away from another farm or human in every direction, and not to mention the multiple training areas that sat on the thirty acre resort.

Though, at first the boy had thought that the amount of space was execessive, he now realized that perhaps it was needed after learning about Spinx's other recruits.

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