The Fallen Angel🔥

40 2 0

Published 7/22/18

•ring of fire•
johnny cash


Fox Stacey was acting like an idiot. No kind to way to put it really, as the seventeen year old boy was currently drunk off his ass explaining to anyone who'd listen the basics of his magic powers.

The bartender sighed and continued to clean shot glass after shot glass as he halfway listened to the under aged boy's rambling.

"Yanno- alot people don't even know about it. Cause it's a secret. Or something. But like- people don't know." The blonde haired boy contined to slur and drowsily bob his head in the direction the man sitting to his left. Luckily for Fox, as it was past two in the morning now, the bartender and suit dressed man to his left we're the only ones present to hear his story.

The bartender was now fully aware that the small man who had given him the ID of 'Charles Harlan' was indeed actually the teenage boy Fox Stacey- as the teen had announced after his sixth shot. But, against his better judgement, the man had allowed the teenager to stay- in a half hearted attempt to sober him up a bit. But, two hours and four waters later, he had had no such luck. The boy was shit faced. The bartender had closed the bar an hour ago, but had yet to kick his two guests out- he had no place to be exactly and he was past being tired now.

The man in the suit was sitting a few stools away from Fox, and was drinking some sort of Cherry vodka contraption. The bartender didn't know the man, he was as new as the kid, but he had stayed mostly quiet only asking for a refill once in a while, so it surprised both the bartender and the intoxicated blond when the man suddenly spoke up.

"What kind of powers do you have?" The bartender grimaced, and mentally rolled his eyes at the man for encouraging the boy. Fox, on the other hand looked at the man with wide gold eyes, and for a moment the bartender was sure the boy had miraculously become sober. But then the boy began to smile and shake his head. "I can't tell you. I said it's a secret. It's a secret because only I'm supposed to know."

The bartender smiled a bit at the boy, while the man in the suit nodded his head in agreement. "Well that makes sence but- well I can't really believe you if you can't even tell me what kind of powers you have."

Fox frowned and tried to focus on what the man before him had just said. The boy was very tired now and sort of wished he could just walk home. But he knew he couldn't do that. Home was very far away. Plus the floor was spinning, so he doubted he could keep his balance.

The boy looked between the well dressed man and the bartender suspiciously. He knew he wasn't supposed to tell about his secret. He never did. He didn't even remember telling the men in front of him about it. He did want to tell someone though.

"You can't tell anyone. You'd have to promise." The boy figured if the men promised him that it would be okay to tell them. They couldn't tell anyone if they promised not to.

The suited man smiled and nodded. "Okay I promise."

Fox looked patiently at the bartender. The man didn't know what to make of the conversation, but figured the boy could do no harm and so he sighed. "Sure kid I promise."

Fox dipped his pointer finger into his glass of water and moved the chunks of ice around the cup. He looked at the two older men and smiled sheepishly. "I can make fire. Like from my head. My mind."

The bartender smiled and shook his head once more, who ever said working at a bar was boring work was definitely being proven wrong tonight. The man gave a quick glance to his other customer and noticed that the man was staring in to his glass in a sort of eery way.

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