22 2 0

Published 7/23/18

•comfortably numb•
pink floyd


Her body felt numb. It always did after she buzzed out. She closed her eyes quick- an attempt to regain her vision. Slowly but surely the yellow and black spots were replaced with the broken glass of the gas station windows.

Annie groaned as she heard the omnipresent ringing in her ear- a life long side affect she presumed, but she was to giddy to become distraught. She could feel left over energy coarsing through and through her veins. She sighed contently. She felt best after absorbing and emmiting- like a sweet high.

With a small smile on her face, the young girl quickly climbed through the now non existent glass window. She peered through the now dark building- a few cooler lights had managed to stay on but even they blinked on to off rapidly. The raven haired girl felt glass crunch underneath her feet, but ignored it, only one thing on her mind.

Food. She hadn't eaten in three days. Of course she could supply herself partly with electrical energy- she was still human, and no matter how high she became as a reaction from the energy- she still needed food to survive.

The girl licked her dried lips anxiously as she began grabbing random bags and boxes of candy and chips. Her arms were beginning to grow tired- a sign that the energy was beginning to wear off, so Annie decided to hurry her trip by grabbing a few more bags of food and stuffing then into the little purple backpack she wore.

She huffed a little as more glass became stuck inside the heel of her combat boots. She leaned down to pick the substance out, but was stopped in her tracks at the sound of a police siren.

Without bothering to finish with her shoe, the girl secured her bag around her shoulders and took off.

Normally an unexpected sprint wouldn't bother the girl, but she could feel her energy levels deteriorating, and she didn't have enough biological energy to absorb any more electric. She cursed herself for being so unprepared.

The dark haired girl could hear the loud siren of the cop car behind her, but didn't dare look back. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to run faster, but her legs wouldn't allow it. Luckily though, Annie knew the area, and as long as she could make it another block, she could hide out in the abandoned church she often slept in.

The girl's breath was becoming rapid but she tried not to notice, more concerned about the sirens becoming louder and louder behind her. Annie brought her arms up quickly in order to further secure the bag, but instead the bag was loosened.

It only took a short second for the bag filled with her food supply to fall off her back and onto the ground.

The girl winced hard, but didn't stop. The blue and red lights were beginning to show up right beside her shadow. Had it not been such a sketchy neighborhood, Annie would have ducked into one of the yards for the night, but she didn't want to risk the chance of someone worse then the cops finding her.

She could see the outline of the church now- it was only a few minutes away, but as it seemed that tonight was not her night, the piece of glass lodged in her boot suddenly was pushed through the plastic and into her foot.

Annie tried not to scream, but the pain was terrible. She swallowed hard as she hobbled to the side of the road. She could no longer run.

The girl slowly felt her body beginning to grow weak, and as the cop car came closer to her, Annie Vaughn callasped on the street from lack of nutrition and energy.

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