-C H A P T E R O N E-

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A big shoutout to gracieorlando 💖✨She's literally the best!!and go check out her books:)

~Stay beautiful❤️~


Lifting my hand I slam it down on my alarm clock to stop the annoying noise coming from it and then pull the covers further over my head falling back to sleep.Five minutes later it goes off again and this time I drag myself out of bed.

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I walk into my bathroom and run the shower,while I quickly brush my teeth.

After my shower I pick out my outfit for the day- a boyfriend jeans with a nirvana tee tucked into my jeans and I add a leather jacket because its quite cold then I grab a black beanie and my doc martens which are my favorite shoes and put them on.

When I get downstairs my parents are already there eating breakfast.

"good morning baby,did you sleep fine?" My mom asks when she spots me.

"morning mom,I did thank you"I smile at my mom not wanting her to worry about me.

"Here's bacon and eggs for you"she places a plate in front of me and I purse my lips.

"I'm not hungry,I'll grab an apple"

She sighs,leaning against the table and closes her eyes.my dad rubs her back soothingly and looks over to me,pleadingly.I sigh and walk over to the plate and take a bite from the bacon,wanting to throw up immediately.

"this is so good"I say through my teeth and mom looks up and smile at me,her eyes glossy with unshed tears.she comes over to me and hug me tightly.

I pull away after I minute,"I'll go get Maddie"I say referring to my older sister

I walk slowly up the stairs ,trying hard to digest the little bacon I ate.

I walk down the hall to my sisters room and knock on the door,when I get no reply I open the door and enter her room.maddie is sprawled across her bed,snoring lightly.

"Mads come on you got to wake up!we're going to be late"I shake her and all I get is a muffled sound in return.

It takes me 5 minutes to wake her up and I quickly grab my bag and head downstairs to start my walk to school.
Maddie has a car but I prefer to walk,I find it refreshing and it gives me time to myself.

Let me introduce myself....my name is Mackenzie Ziegler but everyone calls me kenzie,I'm 17 years old and a junior in high school,I have one sister,Madison but Maddie for short.My mom Melissa is a wedding planner ,my dad left us when I was 4 but my stepdad Greg is like my real father,he's always been like a real father to my Sister and I,his a lawyer.

When I enter the doors of my high school, Connor High ,I'm instantly greeted with loud chattering and a bunch of people.I quickly walk over to my locker and my friend devenity is standing by her  locker,next to mine.when she sees me,she smiles and pull me in for a hug.

"Kenzie!"she screams.

"Deven!"I scream and we both laugh.

Saving her \jenzie🌹Where stories live. Discover now