The Fall

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Loki sat bolt upright in bed. "What does all this mean!" he shouted grabbing his head. He knew only one thing to solve this problem.... the library. After pacing around the room and coming to a desition he ran out of his room and into Venice's.

"Hi Loki," Venice said sleepily. "What are you... Loki! Put me baaaaack." Venice whined as Loki grabbed his ankle without a word and dragged him to the library.

Venice sat in the corner as Loki poured silently over books. Well he wasn't really sitting. After trying to walk around or leave the room nine times Loki had lost his patients and bewitched Venice. Venice had his arms crossed upside down ten feet off the ground. His hair pointed toward the ground and his face was as red as Thor's room (which forced Loki to supress his laughter).

"Okay we know that Odin is keeping something about us from us. Your inhuman. I'll... i'll... go mad when I find out what my thing is. What is new is that the archery field was closed because you discovered something Tyr didn't want you too. I looked into your mind to see if you had memories, clues, to becoming inhuman. I was forced out and you went into a trance and started chanting. When I turned around Tyr was there and then I woke up in bed."

Venice's POV

"Well that's stupid. And stop going into my mind!" I said grimicing still upside down. I was fustrated and angry from the blood rushing to my head.

"Oh, really? Could you do better?" Loki began his fist clencing his quill.

"Thor could do better! This is a fool's task. Loki if you find out you'll go mad. Some would say your already mad!" I said slowly beganing to spin in the air.

"Okay, you give an explaination for all this! You have my full attention." Loki said sarcastically dropping his studies and leaning back, looking at me like I was a strict teacher.

"Alright. Here goes it. Odin is keeping something about us a secret, because we're better off not knowing. He assigned Tyr to make sure we don't find out. The archery field was closed to be used for something else, or it was closed for repairs. You had a nightmare after you over thought this."

"Okay then!" Loki yelled standing up. "If you would rather stay in the dark then venture to see the light, be my guest!" He threw his papers at me and I caught it with one of my outstretched hands. "Niður," Loki muttered and I came crashing to the floor.

"Guuuuuuuh. I'm glad I'm inhuman. Gives some resistence to pain." I muttered with the paper still clutched in my hand.

Loki slammed the door and walked briskly away. I didn't get it. Sure, it was wierd Odin was hiding something, but was it really that important if Loki would lose his sanity just by knowing? The archery was probably nothing. And I remembered zero of last night. I didn't want to hurt Loki's feelings, but I wanted him to drop it. And slamming people from ten feet up was not a way to solve problems.

I looked down at the paper in my hand. Loki probably gave me this for a reason, right? I read quickly and was shocked at the scribbled I saw.

When Odin hides something he does it for a reason
If I go mad at least I go mad knowing what is wrong with me
Tyr is the head of the government and Odin's second in command, asking him for help means something bad
Why close the archery field? Nothing is happening there and it is in perfect condition
What had Venice discovered in the archery field
I know that wasn't a dream, because I've never dreamed when I slept
Venice was chanting in a foreign language... I should decifer it
Tyr must have knocked me out using magic... What kind? How does he know it?
Why us?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2018 ⏰

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