My Horse

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"Venice! Venice, you must awaken. It is time for breakfast. Honestly..."

"What do you want!" I yelled my eyes still closed as I chucked a pillow at the voice.

"Have you even checked your *Oof!*... sundial..." The voice said angrily as my pillow made contact with their face.

"Fine! Stay here and rot away, while I have some fresh sausage." The voice said as they threw my pillow to the floor. Footsteps began to fade away.

"Sausage! No one mentioned sausage! I'm in!" I yelled excitedly sitting bolt upright. My eyes opened to see Loki facing the door, his head turned toward me and his eyes rolling.

"Wait for me to get dress... Hey! Wait a just a minute Loki... How did you get into my room without my permission!?" I suddenly realized.

"Honestly, I am a training master of magic. You expect me to not find a way to sneak into Thor's room? Think of all the possible tricks! I simply did the same spell to your door. What do you expect from me?" Loki said with a grin.

I glared at him hard as I stood out of bed. I walked toward him making threatening gestures at his throat.

He called my bluff saying, "I know you would never truly hurt me. And if I didn't come to get you, you would never have had breakfast. I'll wait outside."

Loki walked away and the door closed behind him.

I sighed shaking my head at Loki's mischieve as I walked to the bathing chambers. I took a quick bath, rubbed the tooth cream around my mouth, and slicked my hair back like Loki's. Usually, my hair divided toward the right of my head. The longer side of hair fell to the left and the shorter to the right. Sort of the way Thor's did. I thought I might as well try something I had never done.

I dressed in a blue vest, gray undershirt, black pants, and long black boots. I placed some engraved gold cuffs I found on a table on my wrists. It looked.... different on me.

I finally walked out the door toward Loki.

"Took you long enough," said Loki with a smile.

"Well I don't have magic to speed things up," I muttered in return.

We walked together down the passageways. I was starting to get a hang of the place. We looked around the next corner to see Thor and the Warriors Three (Fandral, Hogun, and Volstagg) laughing as they walked toward the feasting hall.

"Great," said Loki. He fixed a fake smile to his face and beckoned me to come.

"Hello brother," said Loki putting a hand on Thor's shoulder and forcing himself into the group. I ran up to them and stood next to Hogun.

"Loki!" Thor replied laughing a little. Come, join us.

"You to Venice," He said gesturing me closer to my brothers.

I walked towards Loki and Thor. Then everyone continued there way down to the feasting hall.

Everyone began to make merry and started to sing an Asgardian song. Everyone except Loki and me. Loki seemed embarrassed. I didn't know the words. They looked very silly as they sing, but they were having so much fun, I wanted to join in.

Asgard will never be the same
Without you my dear
Come back calling my name
I promise I will hear

Come back to me
I will wait here
I want to see
Your pretty face, dear

Asgard is baren
The sun has gone down
Come back my Iduna
I feel like such a clown

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