The Plan

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"Okay so even if we make it out of the prison, where would we go?" Laura asked after I had explained the plan.

"That's the beauty of it," I replied. "Because of how we'll be dressed, we can go anywhere!"

"How will we navigate ourselves after we get out of the cells. We haven't even seen daylight in years!" said Sedrick anxiously

"We see guards and... POW! Then we simply do our stuff. Guys, I got this just follow my lead." I said trying to relax them.

I walked over to the bathroom and squeezed out all of the soap into the sink, to Sedrick's and Laura's horror.

"That's the last of our supplies!" shrieked Sedrick.

"Exactly," I replied.

Then I walked over to the dog flap and ignored the whispers about maybe I was still in a vision from Sedrick and Laura. I knocked hard on the flap.

"Hey! We're out of soap!" I called.

"Tough luck." said a gruff voice on the other end.

Laura and Sedrick shuddered at the voice of someone other than our group. We hadn't heard a voice other than our own for years.

"It'll start to smell if we don't have soap," I called.

"Tough luck!" The voice yelled louder.

"Oh, well. You're the one who has to stand by this door all day. And if we die of disease, guess who's gonna get blamed for it." I called back

"Ya! Once we're dead, will tell them it's your fault," yelled Sedrick. Laura nudged him angrily giving him a "that doesn't make sense" sort of glare.

"Ugh! Fine. I'll go get some soap." said the guard.

"Wait! Don't you want to make sure we're truly out of soap! What if we're stocking up on soap. You'll be in trouble for wasting supplies on us." I said hastily.

"What am I supposed to do? Stick my head through the dog flap!" The guard said annoyed.

"Great idea!" I replied. The guard groaned and stuck his head through at me.

"Alright. Show me the soa...." the guard began, but he couldn't finish. I grabbed his head with immense force and chocked him until he fell unconscious.

Laura and Sedrick gasped. "Calm down," I said taking his pulse. "He's only fainted."

I held the usually locked flap open, pushing the guards head out. "Okay, Sedrick, you crawl through here and unlock the door from the outside."

Reluctantly Sedrick, who was the smallest, squeezed his way through the flap. "It.. it... it's so bright." He said. "I... I can see trees."

"Focus, Sedrick, and unlock the door," I said. With a click the door that had imprisoned me for so long swung open.

We stared at the light coming through the windows.

"This is it. We're free. But, don't celebrate yet, we still have to make it out of the building. Friends, this is only the beginning. There is so much more."

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