The Grand Tour

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"So many.... um.... boracs?" I asked, trying to remember what they were called.

Loki chuckled, "You are as clueless as Thor when it comes to libraries."

"Ha. Ha. Okay so what are those things called." I said annoyed.

"Books. You read them." Loki sayed like I was two.

"I know you read them! I just haven't seen one in years." I replied defensivly.

A large window was high up on the wall just opposite of the door. The glass was tinted yellow and golden light flooded through the room. Books were falling off shelves everywhere and the floors were littered with paper. There was small desk was in a semi-enclosed corner. It was obviously Loki's, as not many other people came here. There were candles, books, papers, a quill, and a bottle of ink on the desk randomly placed around the oak counter. A stair case to the right led to an upper lever. An arched door on the upper level led to a balcony. Other smaller windows strecthed around the circular room. each of them had a small lush bed-like seats with pillows. Book shelves were lined against every possible wall.

"This is where I come most of the time. Want a tour?" Loki asked excitedly.

"I think we need to visit other places," I said. Loki frowned. "I'm sure we'll come back here later. You can show me everything then." I smiled and Loki smiled back.

"Okay, but at lease let me show you the veiw from the balcony," Loki said pleadingly.

"Fine," I replied rolling my eyes.

He grabbed my hand and almost dragged me to the arched door. I rolled my eyes, but stopped instantly when I looked out. I ran to the railing and stared with my mouth open. Loki chuckled softly from behind me.

"Wish I was still in awe like you," Loki said longinly

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"Wish I was still in awe like you," Loki said longinly. "Loses its kick after a while."

"How could this ever lose anything that makes it this beautiful." I asked trying not to cry with complete wonder.

After a few minutes Loki started to drag me away trying his best to keep my struggling body from the balcony.

"Come... *Grunt*.... Like you said.... *Wheeze*.... There are other places to see." Loki tried to gasp out, while practicaly carrying my body.

We left the beautiful room, and walked back up the hall. We went up the staircase and passed Odin. We took a left and Loki began the grand tour. "So the training grounds are through this door. You can see them thorugh the window," he explained. Boxes of weaopns, dummies, and armour were all over a patch of grass. Men and woman ranging from Sedrick's age to about 26 were fighting and training.

"Looks fun?" I half-asked.

"It's not very. Thor and I are forced to take lessons with our own chosen weapon. I'd perfer magic, but I practice fighting with throwing knives too." Loki sayed bitterly.

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