Chapter Ten: Reconcile

Start from the beginning

"Cause, U.A. Now, I have a question for you."

"What is it?"

"Can I ask about your quirk?"

"Sure, Ka-Chan, I will tell you."

"Please do."

"But not now."

"And why the fuck not?" He said, suddenly getting angry.

"Sorry, I'm just not ready. After everything I've been through, I've realized that my quirk is nothing but a pain. I'll tell you on my terms, when I'm ready to talk. I hope you respect that."

"Of course I do, but I hope you tell me one day."

"I will."

Ka-Chan and I just talked about random stuff until dinner. We were finally acting like old friends again! Gah, I'm so excited! I love this! For the past couple of months I've been dreading this moment, but it has turned out way better than I expected. But here's my problem, I don't know what I feel for Ka-Chan. I don't know if it's just friendship or more. And if it is more, how does he feel?


After dinner, Ka-Chan and I waited anxiously to hear the results. We were suppose to get them by eight, it was almost nine. What's talking them so long? All of a sudden I heard a ding, looking down at my laptop I realized it was for Ka-Chan. He opened his email but didn't say anything.

"What is it, Ka-Chan?" I asked nervously.

"Nothing." He responded curtly.

I was about to say something but the same ding came from my laptop. I nervously opened the emails and carefully examined the contents. And....I got in, I GOT IN!!!! How? I don't care at the moment, I got in.

I jumped up, forgetting that the laptop was in my lap, and it crashed to the ground. I ran over to Ka-Chan with excitement bubbling out of me.

"I got in! I GOT IN!!"

"See, what did I tell you. Congratulations Deku! I got in too!"

I was over the moon excited, not only did I get in after failing, but Ka-Chan did too! I yanked Ka-Chan out of his chair and hugged him. He was taken back, but after a few moments, he returned the hug.

"We got in!" I whispered in his ear.

"Yes we did." He responded, "We did it."

I couldn't hold in my excitement and blurted out, "I love you!" I could He was surprised, he tensed up and his pulse got faster.

After a while, he stuttered, "I-I-"

"Shhhhh, you don't have to say it back." Cause he didn't, I don't want to force him into anything he's not ready for. Not that we have anything going on.

He responded by holding me tighter and saying, "Thank you."

That hurt a little, but I made a huge improvement with Ka-Chan! I'm gonna take it... for now, I'll get him to open up slowly and I will tell him everything about me too, but we aren't ready yet. I may love him, but we have a shaky relationship as, I don't know what, so baby steps.

I heard rapid footsteps on the stairs and the next thing I knew, my mom was in our room. Haha "our", it's no longer just my room.

"Who died!?" My ma screamed

We quickly let go of each other before responding.

"Nothing happened. We are both fine." I said calmly.

"Awwwww! Look at my two boys getting along!" My ma blurted out.

No one dared to say anything after my mom's outburst.

Ka-Chan finally spoke, "Two Boys?"

"Yeah, two boys." My ma responded almost immediately, as if she knew what he was going to say.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Katsuki, I can't believe you are asking that! You are basically my son! You grew up with Deku, so we saw each other a lot. I started thinking of you as my son somewhere along the line. Anyway, I'm so glad you two are getting along again!" My mom said happily.

I looked over to see that Ka-Chan was crying! Okay, that may be an overstatement, but his eyes were definitely watery! I heard my mom sigh and come over to Ka-Chan. She wiped his eyes and gave him a hug, "I don't like it when my son cries."

I think that was the final straw for Ka-Chan, tears were streaming down his face as he accepted and returned my mother's affection.

"So wait, does this mean I have to share my ma?" I butt in, I was part of this family too!

She chuckled and let go of one of her sons and looked over at the other, "You've been sharing me for a while."

"What does that mean?" I questioned.

"Hey, can you tell me why you two were making so much noise?" She quickly changed the subject.

"I'll let you handle this, brother." I winked.

He sighed, "We got into U.A."

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