Chap 23: How I Met My Mother

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Kristen's Pov

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Kristen's Pov

It's currently a quarter past six. I stayed in with my Mom after Zach dropped us off a couple of hours ago.

This is a nightmare. Thankfully for me, she passed out an hour ago and now I'm just enjoying myself some How I Met Your Mother.

I let out a small laugh to get rid of the boring silence. "What's so funny?" My mom asks from behind.

"Up already?" I ask.

"What are you talking about? It's almost three in the morning."

My face lights up. "What?" I question, looking at a nearby clock. It read 2:48. "Woah, how long have I been watching this for?"

"Well you're already at the end of season one so quite awhile I would say," she laughs, with her thumb pressed against her forehead. "Do you have any aspirin?"

"Yeah, top drawer in the kitchen," I reply back.

"Got it." She says. I rub my eyes with my fingers harshly. "Thanks again for letting me stay at your place."

"Again? I don't recall you saying thanks the first time," her face looks questionable. "I mean no problem."

A sigh leaves her mouth as she takes a seat on the couch next to me. "I think it's time for you to know about the truth."

"What are you talking about?" I yawn almost losing my voice. By showing a sign of respect I turn off the tv and gave her three quarters of my attention.

"Listen, I was not the smartest person growing up. In fact, look what I did to myself when I was only fourteen years old."

I groan. "You had me when you were 14?"

"Oh, no, not you. Jonah."

"I see. So did you just raise Jonah all by yourself?" I question.

"Not exactly. His dad took full custody of him the day Jonah was born. I came to visit once in awhile but I rarely had the time. I had to balance out between school and my after school job. And most importantly, carrying you."

I release out a small sigh.

"I know this isn't an excuse and you have every right to still be mad. But after a few days you were born, I was extremely wasted. I could barely walk or even keep my alcohol in."

"Woah, okay. Little bit too much information there," I cut in.

"Right, right. Sorry about that. The point is, I was very drunk that night and my parents were conveniently out of town as well. So it was just you and me. My friend came over later on that day and-she-um-found me-" She stops herself from continuing.

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