Chap 5: Caught

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I sit in my room waiting impatiently for them to fall asleep. It's nearly two in the morning, why are they still awake? Suddenly, my thoughts get interrupted when I hear a noise in the hallway. I stick my ear against the bedroom door, eavesdropping.

"Night man," a voice yawns. Jack perhaps. "Don't stay up too late," he says, slamming the door right after.

I wait for a few minutes until it's completely silent. I slowly creek the door open, careful to not make a sound. I look to my left then my right, the coast is clear. Finally. I make my downstairs, out the doors until I realize I left my phone upstairs. I turn the other way, colliding with another figure that's about a few inches taller than me.

"Kristen?" the figures say, flipping the light switch on. It was Zach. "What are you doing up so late?" he asks me with sudden concern in his eyes.

"I-uh-needed some fresh air," I smile, lying straight through my teeth.

"You could've just opened a window," he rolls his eyes. "Now go to bed before the other guys catch you."

I nod my head, heading up to my room. I leave a small crack in the door open. Zach enters in his room as I quickly grab my phone tiptoeing through the hallway.

"What are you doing now?" someone says, turning on the lights. I freeze, scared to hear what's gonna come out of his mouth next. He walks up in front of me. "Explain,"

"I just came out to use the bathroom," I tell him.

"Dressed in that?" Zach points at my outfit.

"It's very comfortable for sleepwear," Zach crosses his arms, waiting for my explanation. "I was just really tired tonight so I didn't change out of my clothes, alright. Are you gonna question my bathroom uses now?"

He raises an eyebrow, looking down at my hands. "Give me your phone,"

"What? No."

Zach ignores me and snatches the phone out of my hands.

"It's useless if you don't know my password," I smile at him. He groans. Out of nowhere, my phone gets a text notification. Oh no. He looks at it, reading the message out loud.

"Where the fuck are you? Are you ditching me for your new stupid ass family? Fine, be that way. I don't need you anyways, you whore," Zach says, shocked at what he just read. I look down at the floor then back at Zach, ashamed. Something is always bound to happen when I get adopted. And right now, it's this. I already know what they're next move is. I just never expected it to happen so soon. I don't bother to ask Zach for my phone back. I can always get a new one, but never a family.

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