Chap 8: Pool Party

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The sun is out, shining its intense heat against the pool and all of the guests. One of the worst heat waves in all of California. So what's better than throwing a pool party at your own house?

Literally...anything else

So here I am, in the living room, watching television with the A/C on. Daniel, Corbyn, Jonah, and Jack already tried forcing me to come outside, but I wouldn't budge. I can't swim; it's a million degrees outside, and worst of all, there's people.

Occasionally, I would get up to use the restroom or for a cold beverage. During one trip, I came back to the couch to find a person sitting on my seat.

"Move," I huff, telling Connor. He smiles, scooting over a spot. I scoff, taking a seat next to him. "What are you doing in here?"

"I would ask you the same thing. Come on, let's go and hit the pool," He insists, dragging me off the couch.

"Ugh, stop," I demand, holding onto a nearby wall. "This is child abuse," I try to imitate Jack.

"What the hell? Since when?" he laughs, applying more pressure that I lost my grip.

"Shit," I mumble under my breath. I start to pound my fist against his chest, but it's useless. By now, I lost faith and gave up.

Eventually I somehow made it outside. He puts me down, and I already feel sweat dripping down my forehead. I wipe it off with the back of my hand, as Jack approaches us with a girl by his side.

"Wow, he's a miracle worker," Jack jokes, giving Connor one of those 'bro' hugs. "How do you like it here so far?" Jack asks him.

"It's cool, neat house by the way. Wish my place was like this-"

"Thanks, man-"

"Hey Jack, do you mind grabbing me a drink?" the girl next to Jack cuts him short. "Please?" she sticks out the lower lip while making puppy dog eyes.

"Um, why don't you get it yourself?" I tell the girl. "He's not your slave."

She glares giving me an unwelcoming stare. "Mind your own business!"

"Aspen, please," Jack says, calming her down. "Why don't you find us a seat and I'll go grab you your drink."

Aspen agrees, walking away and flipping her hair at me.

"Sorry about that," Jack apologizes.

"Who is she?" I dare to ask.

"Oh, my manager's daughter, Aspen."

"So basically what I'm hearing is, you're forced to date her? You poor thing." I laugh at my joke, but Jack's smile seems to fade the moment I spoke those words. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to offend you."

"Nah, it's cool. We're just friends." Jack utter. "Well, I better get her drink, otherwise she'll kill me. Catch you guys later," he says, going off inside.

I bite my lip. "Strange relationship they got there."

"Just a little bit."

"Alright, this has been fun, but now I'm going back inside." I tell him, heading back to the door only to get pulled back. "You really need to stop taking an advantage of that."

He laughs, running a hand through his slightly wet hair. "Why? It's cute."

"What is?" I question.

"The fact that you're letting me push you around."

"Woah, woah, woah. Slow down there buddy," I quickly speak up. "The only reason why it's happening is because your like a head taller than me. You really think it's my dream to get dragged by you twenty four seven?"

"Yeah, true. Anyways, let's go for a swim."

I groan, just hearing that word, swim. "What about a compromise? I'll go grab us both a drink and we'll watch The Little Mermaid together."

He looks at me, raising an eyebrow. "How is that at all fair?"

"Sorry, my bad. Do you prefer Moana?" I give another offer. After a few back and forth arguments, he finally gave in. I head straight to the fridge and grab two bottles of soda.

"Well hello there," a voice says, shutting the fridge door. "What a coincidence to see you here."

My eyes widen as I drop the two bottles on the floor. My mouth is frozen, it wouldn't allow me to form a sentence. Just then, I hear footsteps entering the kitchen.

"Hey Kristen, are you alright cause I heard-" Connor pauses, staring at the figure in front of me. Not even noticing the glass of shards all over the kitchen. "What are you doing here Hunter?"

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