Chapter 7

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Tony's POV

Once I arrived the school, I roll down my window to search for them, minutes passed and they weren't there. 'I'll just call them maybe they have a late practice or something.' I thought to myself as I reached for my phone

Ring Ring Ring

"Hey its Peter Stark-Rogers I can't pick up right now just leave a message and I'll get back to you." Beep

"Hey pete where are you and your brother? I'm right outside your school   if you two have a practice or something I'll just wait for you bye." I left him a message, then I went through my contacts to call Ethan next.

Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring

As I wait for Ethan to pick up I heard the same ringing outside the car I got curious, then got out to check where it come from. As I walk to the location of the 'ringing' it only got louder when I got to the source I saw Ethan's phone 'why is Ethan's phone here?' I asked myself then, ended the call. I got worried and went to my phone and call Steve.

Ring Ring

"Hey honey" I heard his voice on the other end. "Heyy are the kids there, I got here late maybe they just walked home also I found Ethan's phone on a bench." I concurred him, while still trying to look for them. "no they're not here. Wait what you saw Ethan's phone on a bench?!" he asked his voice was half worried, angry, and affraid I tried to look for them and scared at what might happen to them. As I kept on with my search I felt a pain in my stomach and everytime this happens it means somethings wrong. I quickly pulled out my phone again about to text Steve when something caught my eyes. On the same bench there was a note. I knew I shouldn't read it but I was curious. When I finished reading the letter I quickly texted Steve and drove back to the tower.

"Everybody loses someone special in there lives its time you lose your's starting with your little boys...."

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