Chapter 3

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Author's POV

The next day they both decided on going to different orphanage hoping that they will find the one for them. They left early leaving the rest of the avengers to sleep then suprise them later if they have adopted one.


It was nearly noon when one of them Tony starts to give up hope on finding the one for them. Steve had been encouraging Tony that they will find the one. They went to the last orphanage called "Cassie's home for children". They both got off the car and went inside it was almost sutable for children to live in. They walk up to a lady who looked like she haven't sleep for a while but she managed to smile when she saw the two walking towards her.

Steve POV
"Hello we would like to adopt a child" I politely told her "sure what gender and age?" She asks "uhmm a boy uhhhhh between 3-5 years old." Tony states. "Ok you two can seat then I'll just call the kids so you can meet them." The nice lady said we both did what were told and waited. After we sat down I felt Tony's hand on my he gave my a hand a squeezed it I look up at him and said "Tony don't worry the kid will love us trust me" I reasured him and kiss him on the checks. Then the lady returned and motioned us to follow her. We walk through halls then she stops. "Ok this the room where the young boys stayed you can enter and meet them you can call me when found one." She smiles at us then left. I held Tony's hand and he looks up to me "it's gonna be ok Tony." I said then he just nods his head then we entered the room.

Tony's POV
We entered the room and saw the kids playing the kids playing with each other, others were drawing and reading but what caught my attention is a kid whose just seated at his bed staring out the window and beside him is a baby sleeping peacefully. I look to Steve then pointed at the kid he nodded and we made our way to the boy.

Peter's POV
The lady who takes care of us told us that the are people looking for adopting one of us, the others kids were excited and got ready but I didn't knowing that me and my little brother Ron won't be adopted so I decided to just sit at my bed with him and look out the window I asked myself 'hmmm who would be the one to get adopted today?' my thoughts were interuppted when I felt a tap on my shoulders, I turn around to see the two famous superheros Steve Rogers and Tony Stark. 'I can't believe it captain america and iron man here wow' I said to myself my eyes wide open still shock to see them "hey kid what's your name?" Iron man asked me "my name is Peter" I replied "Peter who's this be side you?" Asked captain america whose gazed at my little brother distracted by his peaceful slumber. "He's name is Ethan" I answered. "Kid how long have you two been here?" Iron man questioned me I turned my attention to him. "Uhmm almost two years."

Tony's POV

I nodded at his answer then I turn to Steve then gave him a look he nods then looks at peter "Peter would you like to go home with us?" He concurred Peter "really?" He asks wide eyed and he had a huge smile on his face. "Yah me and Steve want to adopt you and your brother I'll go fill up the papers so you can get ready and Steve can help you pack your things." I said to him then left them to pack

Peter's POV
When Mr. Stark left me with Captain America I quickly pack my things along with Ethan's clothes and toys with the help of Captain America he chuckled when he saw me super excited then help me with Ron's stuff.

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