Chapter 6

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A/n: just a quick a/n uhhmmm pietro is alive in this story and vision is also in here.

Years later

Peter's POV

I woke up with a annoying sound of an alarm clock, I hit the snoozed button, then returned to my slumber. "hey Peter get up or we'll be late for school!" I heard my young brother shouted outside my room. "alright alright I'm up!" theres no point on going back to bed he and dads won't stop unless I get up. I made my way to the bathroom and took a shower.

Ethan's POV

After I woke Pete up I went to the kitchen to see dad and papa eating breakfast "hey bud your brother awake yet?" dad asked me "yup, I think his taking a bath now." I answered him, as I sat down to eat as well. 5 minutes later Peter came rushing towards the kitchen and sat beside me, then started to eat.

Time skip at the school

Author's POV

Steve gave the two a ride to school. As they got off they said their goobye's then went inside to start another day.
When they went inside, they both got to their lockers, as Peter was getting his things he felt a tap on his shoulder when he turned around he saw his boyfriend Wade "hey baby boy" Wade said causing Peter to blush "hey babe" he replied "I'm gonna cut this short you wanna go out this saturday?" Wade asked him "sounds wonderful" he answered. Wade smiled and kiss him on the cheeks "alright I have to get to class see you at lunch love you" he said before rushing off to class this is what Peter needs to brighten his day, just seeing and talking with Wade was enough to make his day.

Lunch time

Peter's POV

I was sitting at a table inside the cafeteria along with Ned and Mj, both were dicussing something I didn't bother to listen I was sliently eating my lunch when I heard foot steps. I look up to see just in time to see Ethan and Wade took a seat at our table "hi Ned, hi Mj, hey Pete" he greeted us "hey" we all said in unison "sooo anything happend interesting?" he asked me, before I could answer him I heard Flash's voice. "heyy starks!!!" We both turned around and their he was along with his goons. "what do you want Flash." Wade questioned him giving a death glare, then I turned back my attention to Flash "awww how cute his letting his little boyfriend fight for him" I looked down embarassed and they all started to laugh. "SHUT THE HELL UP FLASH!" I heard Wade shouted at him. "what are you gonna do about it?" I looked back up, then I saw him smirked and picked up Wade by his colour. "put him down and leave us alone Flash" I tried to say calmly but it sounded like full of fear "weak" he said to me then, put Wade down, then walked away. I looked at Wade who had his eyes locked on Flash, hands formed into a fist ready to punch, and  jaws clenching I know that look I instantly put my hand on his when he saw me it calmed him down like I could easily take all his problems away.

After school

Author's POV

As the two of them walk outside their school they were suppose to meet Tony, but he still haven't arrived, so they decided to sit on a bench until Tony came. A few minutes later a van pulled up in front of them and a strange man creept up behind them, then injected a serum to make them fall asleep.

To be continued...

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