Chapter 4

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Tony's POV

I finished filling up the papers then went back to Peter to see if he was done, to my suprise he was "Wow someones excited" I chuckled and saw he was blushing I can't help but smile they were the one Steve and me were looking for. "Let's go home" I told them  Steve carried Ethan and his stuff while I took Peter's hand and walked out of the orphanage and got in the car.


When we got to Avenger's Tower we enter the lobby and went to straight to the elevator, I told Peter and Steve that were gonna suprise the rest of the team they glady agreed with my idea so I took Ethan in my arms and told Peter to hide behind my legs. When the elevator opened we walk to the living room to see the team watching t.v.

Steve's POV

"Hey guys where back" I told the team they all turned to me and Tony "hey guys, what took you so long? Where the hell even were the two of you?" Natasha questioned me "first of all language and second we went and adopt a kid or kids" I stated, they all had their eyes and mouths wide open. "well me and Tony wanted to have  kid" I scartch the back of my head "anyway meet Peter and Ethan Stark-Rogers" I step to the side so they can see Tony with Ethan and Peter. They all circle us and Peter just sticks his head but I guess his shy in front of the team "Peter why don't you say hello to your aunt and uncles" I told him then he finally show himself to everyone he waved shyly to them "uhh... hi I'm Peter, Ethan's big brother." He stated and I pick him up and he starts to get sleepy "awwww someones tired" Natasha stated i think she find Peter cute, well I do too he looks a lot like Tony. "Tony and I will put them to bed we can all hang out tommorow" I told the team, then went to a spare room near mine and Tony's bedroom and set them down. Before leaving Tony and I kissed their foreheads then went to our bedroom to sleep.

A/N: sorry if the story looks shit im still working on it. Sorry if it took so long. ✌✌✌

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