Bag it up! P1 | Spencer Reid X Reader

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You weren't a BAU agent, you were as WH13 agent, a Warehouse agent, you had a position in the FBI at one point, but you got 'Promoted' to Secret Service and now help cases over the world that envolve...strange or unexplained occurenses, the weird or strange cases that don't make sense.

Turns out, your latest case already had the FBI on it, well, people were being burnt alive, their skin either burning or melting off, so naturally you were called in...

"Can I help you?" You saw a ginger woman and you nodded

"Yes, I am Agent (L/n), I wanted to see the autopsy reports of all the victims of the arson case." You requested and handed her the form signed by Mrs Fedrick, she nodded and brought you to a table with reports, you smiled and read the files.

"Are the stomach contents included?" You asked yourself.

"They all had waffles in their stomachs, other than that, there's no connection so far." You turned and saw a young agent, twenty-four, brown doe eyes and brown unkept hair that just covered the tips of his ears. "Dr. Reid, I work with the FBI."

"Agent (L/n), Secret Service." You shook his hand and his brows shoot up.

"Oh, wow, must be a prioritised case." He said, and you shrugged.

"Well, when unexplained arson happens, people get worried." You said and started thinking. "Are there any diners close by or around town?"

"Yeah, there's a popular one about five minutes away, why?" He asked, and you pulled out another report that you got earlier.

"They all had receipts for a diner between the hours seven and nine." You showed him the receipts and he looked at you.

"I'll join you, show you where it is." He said and you both drove to the diner.

-     -     -     -     -

You walked into the diner and someone came to the pair of you.

"Table for two?" She asked, and the doctor became slightly flustered.

"Actually, we wanted to ask a few questions." You said, and you showed her your badge, she nodded and moved to the manager's office. You sat down, and the plum old man smiled.

"What can I do for you? Heard you had some questions for me?" He asked, and you smiled.

"Yes, do you know any of these people?" You asked and took out the photos of the victims when they were alive of course.

"Yes, they're regulars here, not good people, kinda nasty but regulars." He stated, and you nodded then you nodded. "These were those burn victims, weren't they?"

"Unfortunately, so." Reid said, and you nodded, and he sighed.

"Well, anything you want to ask me or the staff, go ahead." He said, Reid's phone rung and he excused himself.

"Um, by chance, did you buy anything in the kitchen that's old? Antiques? Maybe from a thrift store, yard sale or a hand-me down?" You asked, and he nodded.

"We recently got a few things donated from the thrift store across the street. I had them catalogued." He handed you a folder and you looked at the paper list.

"Very generous, you must be very popular." You commented, and he smiled.

"We do a lot of fundraisers." He said, and an item caught your eyes.

"You got a waffle iron?" You asked, and he nodded. "Can I see that if you don't mind?"

"Uh, sure...Oh! You work those weird cases, don't you?" He said with excitement in his eyes and you nodded. He walked you to the kitchen and he looked to the bench.

"Huh, I swear it was here...Terry!" He called to a middle-aged man. "Where'd the waffle iron go?"

"Ty said it was busted so she went to throw it out." He said and went back to his cooking.

"Tyler Morev, nice girl." He said, and you nodded.

"Okay, thank you so much sir." You said and handed him your card. "In case you have any weird cases for me, really weird."

He chuckles, and you say goodbye, walk outside and take out your Farnsworth.

"(Y/n), what'd you find?" Artie asked you and you smiled.

"A donated waffle iron and a Tyler Morev." I said, and he started typing.

"Okay, I have an address sent to your phone and I have a ping on the waffle iron." He said, and you nodded.

"Who's waffle iron is it?" You asked.

"Maurice Vermersch' waffle iron, produces waffle that stimulate the taste buds and produce euphoria, but after consumption the victims skin will melt or burn off." He said, and you cringed.

"Super, killer waffles. Better keep them away from Pete." You said, and you shut off, you get to your car and see Reid walking over.

"Where're we going?" He asked, and you set up the GPS.

"A lead." You drive as quick as you can.

-     -     -     -     -

You make it to the apartment building with your case, run inside and take out you Tesla gun and sprint to the apartment door and knock.

"Anyone home, FBI." You say and hear a crash.

"EAT IT!" You look and kick down the door and run in, point the gun at the young woman who had a waffle to a man's mouth.

"Tyler put it down!" You shout and she starts opening his mouth, so you throw a mug at her, she dodges and you tackle her to the floor and Reid runs in, he helps up the tied man and lets him go, takes Tyler and you see the clean waffle iron, you snap on purple gloves and take out a big silver bag from your case and seal it in, sparks flying from the bag, you slip it in your bag and look to the Doctor.

"Good work agent." You put away you Tesla and he nods to you, you walk out with Reid and see agents coming inside, you walk down the stairs and see Tyler being put in the car. You walk to your own car and look to Reid and a taller man with dark skin, they look to you and you drive off.

"Quickest case ever."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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